Paint Mare in Ransomville NY

I have not been able to contact the girl who adopted Sadie on March 13, in Ransomville NY, by Niagara Falls. She signed a contract stating that if either of us decided the horse was not being properly cared for I would have the right to take her back. She was not to be rehomed or given to another person without specific permission from me. I spoke to her several times after to make sure she was doing well. Everything seemed ok until she decided to move her to a friends house to have some company with her horses. I said that was ok, but I need an address, phone number and pictures of the place. Since then I havent been able to contact her, her phone has been disconnected, she moved out of her boyfriend’s house and I cant get a hold of her. I am concerned for Sadie… and she owes me money for shipping the horse.

Obviously I was too lenient with her, I know what I did wrong here. I am wondering if there is anyone in that area who would be willing to do a drive by, since I am more that 5 hours away. If you think you might know her I will tell you her name, but Id rather not post it here.

Here are a few photos in case anyone sees Sadie around.
