Panel guards

I have the heavy duty panels for my corral. I think they are 6’ tall/25’ long & weigh about 700lbs. They are great, except maresy puts her throat between the panels, then panics. First time it happened, I thought one of the guys bit her, but happened again & the scrapes don’t look like bite marks this time.

Is there something I can put over the top rail, across the joints between 2 panels to prevent this. (No we can’t get the suckers any closer to each other…

for our round pen we at times will drape wind screening over the panels, we do this to provide a free wind zone if the pen is being used to house a horse



Home Depot/Lowes sell a snow fence that could work for that also, as would landscaping cloth:

Could you get some 1.5" or 2" water line and cut pieces to go across, then zip tie them in place.

Would these thingies made to cover the gaps between round pen panels work for your panels?

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YES! that’s the type of thing I was looking for, thank you.

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