Paraequestrian at the Rolex Kentucky Three-Day Event!

Just a quick cross-post to get the word out that reigning US Paralympic champion Becca Hart is scheduled to perform the dressage test ride Thursday morning at the Rolex Kentucky CCI****!

The test ride is important for the judges, to make sure they are all scoring similarly and in tune with each other. I believe this is the first time it has been performed by a paraequestrian. Typically, a local dressage rider or an advanced-level event rider who is not actually competing at Rolex that year will do the honors.

Although the crowds aren’t usually huge on Thursday morning, this noneless should be a nice opportunity to promote paraequestrian and give the eventing crowd and idea of just how good our paraequestrians are – good cross-pollenation between sports, you could say. :slight_smile: Please cheer them on!