I just saw something that gave me good goosebumps.
Four men coming out onto the pool deck for the 4x100 relay, wearing the Team USA sweatshirts and neon yellow running shoes – same Team USA uniform as the able-bodied swimmers. Holding hands up in the air as they came out. It was so cool. These men are able-bodied, and I wish that whoever makes these arbitrary labels would come up with another one for the paralympians. Just call them all – Olympians and Paralympians – “athletes” and let them compete in qualifiers. For the other Olympics you have to compete in trials, and then at the Olympics you have to compete again just to qualify. So why not have events for people with different qualifying times/whatever all at one Games? Just as in swimming women compete against women and men against men, so sighted against sighted, low-vision against low-vision, dope cheaters against dope cheaters, etc.? I’m guessing it’s because the “real” Olympics don’t want to level the playing field with the Paralympics, but honestly? I’d rather just see them all competing at the same Games, all at the same time, because the Olympic athletes are just as differently-abled as the Paralympic athletes, and if genetic modification comes into play as predicted, they’ll be even more so.
Anyway, watching these guys gave me more good goosebumps than watching the other ones did. And I’m glad to find NBCSN is actually doing some live coverage this afternoon.