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Paris 2024 Olympics Eventing Schedule?

Does anyone know what the schedule will be for the eventing discipline in Versailles? I made the draw for the ‘Make Your Games Packs’ purchase and it looks like July 27 is the eventing dressage qualifications session and July 28 is the qualifications session for xc. There is no mention of SJ and no mention of team and individual finals sessions. I am guessing that the finals tickets will be available in the May draw? Who rides in the qualification sessions - just countries who have not yet qualified for the event? I am very confused!

Here’s the link to the info that my e-mail referenced. https://tickets.paris2024.org/obj/media/FR-Paris2024/ticket-prices.pdf

UPDATE - I found the answer on the NBC Olympics site. They are calling the dressage and xc tests ‘qualification sessions’ and SJ will be ‘finals’. SJ will be on July 29 and tickets will not be available until the next round of ticket sales.

I found googling the entire schedule of all sports , in chronological order, was useful when trying to put my package together.

Through trial and error I discovered that there were combinations of sports you couldn’t get in the same pack. For example, if I wanted eventing XC, I couldn’t also get tickets for SJ qualification rounds.

No medal round tickets were available for any sport.

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What a disappointment. My time slot opened and there were none of the equestrian events available to purchase as part of the games pack. @Blugal I hope that you were successful!

Sorry to hear that! I don’t think all tix would be sold, there will still be single tix available in the next round.

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I just got notified I was selected to take part in the “Make Your Games” pack. It sounds like from others posts here, I can’t/won’t be able to get just equestrian events?

For those who couldn’t, did you not purchase anything? Do you know if you can then participate in the single draw in May?


My slot to purchase games pack sessions opened this morning and closes on March 2. I signed in right away and there were no equestrian events available to purchase so I didn’t buy anything. Table tennis, wrestling, etc just don’t do it for me! I might try signing in again tomorrow to see if perhaps they add more sessions every day… but it could be that once they are sold out that’s it. I will enter the next draw for the single tickets as well. If anyone knows more about how this all works please chime in!

Anyone get a single ticket slot yet and know what ticket availability is like currently?

Volunteering is the trick. You work at the event you volunteer for and can walk around and watch the rest.
I was a volunteer for the eventing and spectated for dressage and showjumping without all the crowd activity, and it was free. OOOps - just checked deadline for volunteers to apply - it was May 3rd

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My single ticket slot just opened up and there is nothing available for dressage and cross country. Some tickets are still available for show jumping but only for wheelchair users and their helpers.


Oh no! Mine opens on Monday. How on earth could it go from only certain seats and phases open, to nothing left at all?

No! My slot opened and I checked hourly for availability but nothing during eventing was open to me. A friend who lives in Europe offered to check for me during her time slot and got the same reaction. SO disappointed! I wonder if I can just go and hang out around Versailles hoping to see some horses?

A few comments:

  1. There will be a resale platform, and people can only sell/buy tickets through the official platform. So there could be tickets up for grabs at a later time when peoples’ plans change.

  2. If all the horse tickets were purchased by non-horse people during the initial “games pack phase” (because you were forced to buy 3 different events and some combinations weren’t possible), then those might hit the resale platform.

  3. Horse & Hound is doing a story on the un-availability of tickets - think that might get published next week, but check their news feed.

I was lucky enough to get 3 tickets to the XC phase for my group, as well as 3 tickets to one of the dressage qualifier days. At the time the games packs were being sold, I could not also get any tickets for any other horse event. So I bought tennis tickets.

However, when I bought my tickets, I could not choose any “rank” of seating - my only option was to buy the front-row seats for dressage, which were 150 Euros each. I assumed that other seatings were being reserved for the individual ticket sales - but maybe not? I don’t understand how the organizers put this all together.

I also got in the draw for individual tickets, for which no horse events were left. I looked around and noticed that it was a weird mix of the cheapest seats and the most expensive seats (I saw 480 euro for a popular sport) that were left.


Ticketing guide;



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