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Parking a trailer in a residential area

Hello! I was thinking of repurposing my old gooseneck to use as storage at my house, in a residential area/neighborhood. Parked off the street, between garage and house. Not sure if this is allowed, will have to research area/neighborhood regulations, but wonder if it is really any different than those who have a small boat/trailer parked on the property?
Anyone do this, or have any insight? Thanks!

No one’s opinion matters but the city where you live.

Call the city offices and start asking, you’ll be handed along to the appropriate department, whatever it is called where you live.


I used a 3-place GN with all of the dividers out for storage (some shop tools and a bunch of boxes), and as a “moving van” when we relocated a few years ago. It sat in my back yard for most of a year, except while it was haulin’ stuff to the new place.
Worked great; weatherproof for the most part.
Neighborhood all friendly, and nobody expressed any issues. As long as your living arrangement includes reasonable human beings, it shouldn’t be a problem. If you have covenants or whatever, don’t even try, 'cause guaranteed someone will make trouble just because they can.
I will comment that I maintained current plates on the trailer, which were required to park any “motor vehicle” in town, which might have been a factor, plus neighbors knew we were moving, and that the situation was temporary.
We used to say “Easier to beg for forgiveness than to ask for permission.” but somehow I don’t think this applies in these litigious times; they would sooner tow your trailer, and send you a fine than ask you politely to move it :stuck_out_tongue:


Around here they have city marshals, that drive around and take care of telling people what is not in compliance, like extra tall sheds or built with materials not permitted, trailers in the wrong place, etc.

Maybe find your local city marshal and ask them?


So dependent on local ordinances and zoning. I would look around the neighborhood and see if anyone else has things of similar length and height. If noone does I bet there’s a bylaw against it.

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I can’t speak to your local and their rules, but the most common is so long as it’s not parked on the street your fine.

I don’t know where you live, but that is not the case in my experience of 6 cities in 5 states, not counting 2 small towns.

If you make the phone call to the city and get permission you can often get a few days’ grace. But not always.

That is a couple of reminders up-thread.

When talking to the city rep for this sort of thing, ask if they are aware of any homeowners’ associations and/or overlaying ordnances and/or neighborhood associations.

There is a neighborhood next to the one I live in that has all 4 in jurisdiction, the three just above and the city.

Things can get silly, overkill control, absolutely. And some such organizations have no authority over trailers etc. But it is better to do the communications and chat with everyone first.

If you make the communications effort, you may get pre-forgiveness from someone who appreciates the effort. "We’re not really supposed to but if it is just two nights … or just until Thanksgiving … " :slight_smile: They appreciate it that when they do get a complaint they can say “yeah we talked to them, it won’t be there long”.

Most of them do not want to be unreasonable. They also really do not like being in the middle of a complaint about a non-compliance between neighbors. Being pre-loaded with answers makes their lives easier and they appreciate it.


That’s why I said what I said about location. And also said “usually”

ETA I grew up rural and tend to seek those areas out. I don’t know about more tightly restricted areas because I try to avoid them.

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Thank you everyone for your input!
I definitely need to make some calls to find out if this sort of thing is allowed. After reading the replies, and taking a more “open eyed” look around the neighborhood, I’m thinking it’s not. Short of a small boat stashed here and there, there really is nothing else around here that size, that people are parking for any length of time.

If they can’t see it, they can’t object. (Not entirely true, but it can go a long way.)
If you put a temporary, movable wall between your house and garage, in front of the trailer, would anyone even know it’s there? In so many cases, objections are due to the aesthetics. And it’s possible that you haven’t seen any trailers and such because they are out of sight.

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every time I see these threads I am so thankful I live in the middle of nowhere


Turns out after all that that it’s a no go in my neighborhood!
And I do have some nosy neighbors, so even if I tried, I probably wouldn’t be able to get away with more than a few days (at best).
Definitely not worth it, and I’m a bit bummed….but glad I inquired!

Thanks for everyone’s feedback!


Sorry that didn’t work out. Some neighborhoods are picky! And assess fines … no one wants to get in on that.

People Suck Sometimes…that is all.