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Whatever happened to Cesar Parra?
In a recent website article it was quoted:

“At the CDI Verden, Parra has proven that his continuous work at furthering his riding skills is clearly paying off. Not only did he beat American WEG short listed team riders there, but he is also able to maintain an upward line in his scores. Let the Games begin!”

Well, all the US riders beat him, he got a 63% for 49th place…it seems an intelligent strategy to be a bit more humble and keep a low profile-just take a look at Bernadette Pujals from Mexico: totally off the radar, she flies in and knocks a 70% ride at the WEG, and all this without a sponsor, big-name trainer, etc.
You go girl!!!

Well, the only US WEG team member who rode at Verden was Leslie Morse so Cesar hasn’t had a big a downfall as it may seem. His horse had a nice test today, but the piaffes weren’t good and brought the scores down.

He was quoted as saying he would make it into the freestyle, so that would be a downfall in my books. My point is that you should compare this attitude with the humility shown by many of the real top riders in the business. Being humble and avoiding constant self-promotion will certainly get you more respect from your peers, IMHO.

I don’t think that sort of behaviour is inherent to Sr. Parra’s nature. :stuck_out_tongue:

Cesar’s been in Germany for a while before the games and was actually doing quite well in his competitions beforehand. He finished 3rd in one of the GP’s–I can’t remember which one.

those were not any of the big classes or the big shows. you dont win with scores like that in the bigger classes. the grand prix class in Resume Speed, Belgium is different than Aachen.