Partial Knee Replacement

I just had a torn meniscus repaired in my left knee and also alot of floating cartilage chips cleaned out. The cartilage on the inside is totally gone, it’s just bone on bone. However, the outside is pristine. My ortho wants me to heal up from this and then do a partial knee replacement since the outside is fine. I’ve had some mixed responses from friends about this. Has anyone had the same issues and done a partial? What is the result and success of this? My doctor is pretty adamant about not needing a full replacement and say the recovery is much quickly from a partial. I’m considering doing in this calendar year since I’ve already paid my insurance deductible and it would start over in 2016. Thoughts? Thanks-

I’ve had both of my knees replaced in the past 2 years, but I had total knee replacements so I can’t answer from personal experience. I have talked to a lot of people on an on-line support group though, so I can share some of their experiences. First, most people who have had both surgeries seem to feel that the recovery time from a partial is very similar to a total - so not significantly faster. From what I’ve heard, a partial will eventually have to be revised to a total but some people have their partials for 10-15 years before that’s necessary and feel that it was well worth it. There were a few people who had to have revisions to a total within a year or two of their first surgery. I don’t know what their specific issues were or how common that is. My gut feeling is that it’s probably somewhat unusual but it is something to be aware of. I think the important thing is to do your homework - both in learning about the surgery and picking your surgeon. Once you’ve done that, trust your doctor and your decision. I didn’t have a choice with my left knee - there was no cartilage left and I probably lived with the pain too long as it was. I might have been able to wait a little longer with the right but it was inevitable. There was just a tiny amount of cartilage left on the inside and I just couldn’t stand the thought of another surgery hanging over my head - I wanted to be done. While it isn’t a fast recovery, I didn’t think it was as bad as some people seem to. 5 months after my 2nd knee I started barre classes to rebuild strength and I think I’m going to try to ride this weekend - my birthday present to myself!

I have had 2 partials and 2 totals. I never noticed any difference in the recovery. When I had the partials done (2 separate surgeries), the outer side of my knees were fine. But not for long. The arthritis that trashed part of my knees trashed the other part and I had to have 2 more surgeries to replace the partials with fulls.

I was in my 40’s when I had the partials done, and the fulls were done when I was in my mid-50’s. I am able to do just about anything; however, I did quit riding (my choice). I can’t kneel (doesn’t damage anything but it hurts), and I am paranoid about ice and falling. But then I also have arthritis every place you can have it.

It may be because of your age, but knowing what I k ow now, I think I’d want full knees right away. But I am no doctor and your knee problems may well be different than mine.

total knee joint revision

I had my left knee replaced 11+ years ago. over the past 6 months pain in my knees area has increased and finally 2.5 months ago I had a sharp long lasting pain after standing up. The Drs. finally did appropriate xrays and recommended revision.Now the problem is that I saw several orthos in the practice about the increasing pain but no one figured out what was going on. I scheduled the surgery but have to wait 3 months for them to fit it into the schedule Now in the passed 6 weeks my pain has gotten worse. The feeling of instability has greatly increased and I can’t walk very well. I am very concerned that this long delay coupled with the deterioration in condition will cause further damage Can get no further info from surgeon. So I’d like to hear of others’ experiences with this problem How long might rehab take etc Thanks

I’ve had both knees done, both are partials. The likelihood of revision to total knees doesn’t concern me, because my family history is such that I’m likely to outlive my prosthetics and need revisions anyway.

I was able to go home the day of surgery both times, much to the Drs amazement.

I was riding again 4-5 weeks post op. Love my knees. BTW, the first step you take after surgery the bone on bone pain is GONE.The incision hurts and you feel like someone worked your leg over with an iron bar, but the arthritis pain is gone.

Can’t recommend the Bonesmart website highly enough. Go thee hence and learn!