Pasture therapists

Someone commented on Fenway’s blog about her “pasture therapist” and I thought this was such a beautiful title for our much-more-than-a-lawn-ornament friends. Fenway has been bumped from trail mount to pasture therapist due to hock issues, but at least he’s incredibly good at his job. Feeding him is cheaper than lying on some shrink’s couch, too!

Anyone else with a pasture therapist to boast about?

Visit for another unsound equine blogger.

P.S. I meant to put this in Off Course but I guess it’s not wildly inappropriate to have it here. Sorry!

Hmmm, maybe not quite what you had in mind, but I’ve got Abba and Lola :lol: I mean, it’s not like hair sheep wethers (yes, Lola is male) that aren’t intended for food have a job other than companionship. :lol:

Lovely sheep! They can be a baaaa-alm to your spirits, eh?

Lovely sheep! They can be a baaaa-alm to your spirits, eh?[/QUOTE]

:lol: Love it!

Thank you! Besides cheering me up with their general cuteness and love of marshmallows, they both got their names from Indy movie scenes that I found funny, so I alway get a bit of a giggle when I talk about them.

Someone commented on Fenway’s blog about her “pasture therapist” and I thought this was such a beautiful title for our much-more-than-a-lawn-ornament friends.

Visit for another unsound equine blogger.[/QUOTE]

Boyfriend thanks you for the mention… and it’s not really that off course to have it here. Our equids have a disability of sorts.


Great, I just bought some miniature jennets, but looking at your pictures, I kind of want some hair sheep, too. Thanks a lot!! :lol:

Great, I just bought some miniature jennets, but looking at your pictures, I kind of want some hair sheep, too. Thanks a lot!! :lol:[/QUOTE]


I’m reasonably certain they’re Katahdins, since you’re in the market :winkgrin: :lol:

The jury’s still out on whether or not Ilen’s going to be a “pasture therapist” (love that term, by the way) or a riding horse. She got the winter off, regular vet appointment is April 3rd, and after I get Coggins back from that, I’ll make the appointment to take her to the clinic for another eval and more x-rays. She looks good to me, so she’s certainly not suffering or obviously lame, but it’s entirely within the realm of possibility that she’s slightly off and I’ve just gotten used to seeing her like that. :uhoh:

Even though mine are rideable, myself cannot ride all the time, the Fibro kicks me to the ground.

Mine are my physical and mental therapists and even my personal doctor has given me the ride your horse for a half hour a night if I can as it helps me to relax.

Right now I can’t, either the cougars they sense or idiot drivers doing over the speed limit and don’t care if they hit you and your horse. I will be so grateful to God when we get another farm this year! Mine are at a friend’s place nearby.

My girls are what get me up in the mornings and keeps me going.

My mare Cherokee back in 02 saw me struggling to walk back from the barn, the next thing I knew there was her big ole black head under my arm and I put my arm around her and she got me back to the gate, checked me out and went back to the barn.

She and the other two always lend a tail when mom/nannie can’t get back on her own. I adore my precious girls