Patchen Wilkes White TBs, et al.?

Do any of you have any up-to-date info about white TBs from Patchen Wilkes farm? A friend of mine asked me about them; her source calls them “albino” but an online article calls them “non-albino white.” I’ve also read that there are no albino horses (can’t remember the source), although my 1959-ish World Book did include a photo of an “Albino” horse.
The most “recent” info I’ve been able to find on the farm is 4 years old so I’m assuming all the land has been sold by now.
Would just like to know more about this line of white TBs or others, to get my friend some accurate, up-to-date info.

There’s a FB group on colored TB. I think the pure white ones are a maximum expression of Domninant White or Splash that could cause pinto markings at lesser expression.

