Patellar realignment/tibial tubercle transfer

I’m just about 4 weeks post distal realignment surgery on my right knee. I’ve been in and will need to stay in a full leg immobilizer for 6 weeks total. My entire right leg is now pretty well atrophied. I’ll be in PT for months before I can ride again. Anyone else gone through this? How did you approach riding again once you were cleared to ride? I’ve been scouring web pages/forums for tips. I had been planning on buying a saddle that fits me better anyway and I’m pretty convinced to buy hinged stirrups as well. I’d appreciate any advice or just commiseration on this topic.


Ugh. I’m waiting to get both mine done. How is the recovery for you?

The first week was bad for me. I kept it constantly elevated and iced on and off constantly. The oxycodone the doctor gave me made a tiny dent but i had to remember that it’s pain management not pain free. I think I didnt leave enough hours between doses so it made me nauseus. In the middle of week 2 you just feel good that you’re not in that first week anymore. The pressure that you feel in the leg with the immobilizer on when you stand gets better. By the end of week 2 the worst is really behind you. I switched to Vicodin at that point (which is about half the strength of oxycodone). I’ve even gone days without taking them. Granted I’m a wimp about achey kinds of pain so you may do better than me with it. I got 100% of flexion back really quickly as well.

I’m actually looking forward to my PT. I’m not an uber athlete but I’m not one to lay around for weeks on end either.

Are you having both knees done at the same time?

Thanks! No, I’m getting the first one done then the second 6 months later. I had knee surgery last June and it didn’t go so well, so not looking forward to this next bit. I’m a wuss too for achey pain, so happy to take what they give me for the first bit :wink:
What was the reason yours needed doing if you don’t mind me asking?

My Q-Angle was high which resulted in multiple dislocations. Last July I turned my leg outwards a bit which exagerates the q-angle and oit it popped. it was worse than any other time it had happened. I had to push the patella back in which I had never had to do before. It has always gone back in on its own when I straightened it. I’d always done PT in the past and didn’t know that surgery was even an option.

Part of the reason I opted to have the surgery was my desire to be proactive. I’d rather deal with it now versus 10 years from now. I’m also hoping that this surgery will prevent future arthritis from mal tracking (which I’ve watched my mother deal with for years and have it limit her mobility)

Ah ok. Part of my issue is the Q angle as well. I also have extreme patella alta as well as chondromalacia patella, arthritis and just bone on bone. Couples with continual dislocations and “catching” of the patella on the tibia… It’s a fun mix :wink: Surgeries that should have been done when I was 16 are being done at 41 :confused: Eeek!!

Hope you have a successful recovery!!

Thanks! Good luck with your surgeries as well. I’ll try to update this thread as my recovery progresses. I have another post op visit with my doctor in 1.5 weeks.

Let us know how your surgery goes!

Just an update on me. My recovery so far has been really smooth. I’ve started PT but because of snow and holidays have only had 2 sessions. But when I called the office I asked if they had any therapists with any riding experience. And lucky me try did! So she’s not a rider still but she gets what my goals are.

So far I have no regrets on having the surgery other than I thought I’d be a little further along by now and wouldn’t have to worry about ice and snow! I guess that was overly optimistic of me. It’s been almost exactly 2 months since my surgery and today I walked .5 mile. The first half was easier than the second and I may have pushed myself a little too much but by the time I realized it all I could do was keep going albeit slowly.

I had this surgery (or something similar) way back in the dark ages (the 70’s). I am now 58. I was in a straight leg full cast (no nice immoblizers back then) for 6 weeks then right back to regular activities (of course I was in high school…thems was the days;)). I even rode with with cast on. I couldn’t help myself and was 17:o.

I have had absolutely zero issues with that knee or dislocation since. I think prior to the surgery I had 5 or 6 dislocations. I do now have some arthritis in that patella as they removed most of the cartilage during the surgery. It gets a bit stiff from time to time and I have to watch any exercise that sits me back on my knees. I would gladly take that over the zinging repeated dislocation of my kneecap.


This is great to hear! I’m feeling pretty good. I overdid it this weekend and had some pain but if you don’t test your limits you won’t know what they are right?

I’ve also noticed my corrected knee doesn’t make any clicking noise when I go up stairs now. I’m kind of considering having my other knee done. I’m not quite ready to think about it but…