that isn’t the after xc results. at least, they arent coming up on my computer. Thursday, Equibrit had scores that didn’t show up here.
If you click on the black box by xc that says Live that’s the results.
thank you! I found it!
Boyd has withdrawn Lulu. I wondered if he would do that.
yeah they took out a bunch of fences. Shortened the time, which no one is going to make. But there are several big drops, and one with a tricky turn just after. Horses are slipping, and they need to put down a lot of gravel or sand, but they don’t seem to be doing it.
Should have come to Maryland!
I bet Will wishes he had!
I can see continuing on if you take out a couple of fences. However, when you have to take out as many as they did, postponing a day should have been a pretty big option. I think they got lucky there were no disasters regarding horse or rider injuries.
my thinking on this is remember the World championships with the hurricane? They did have to delay it a day and it was a nightmare. they had horses coming in that didn’t have stalls because the eventers were still there, not to mention all the people who had tickets to leave, and the mess that caused the hotels. Of course, that shouldn’t be such a big deal here, but so many people would have to change plans. But it might have been a good idea to postpone it a day. It looks like there were only two who didn’t start. I saw Pippa ready to start, but maybe she went one or two jumps and decided no.
So how does that work when some of the horses only have to jump 2/3 of the fences that the first riders had to jump? I am sure time is adjusted but with a shorter course the horses do not have to conserve the gas tank as much so easier to make time. Even in the slop. I am not sure I have a good solution though.
The efforts were removed prior to any horses running
Scroll down for rider interviews.
Bruno is clear, what a cool horse
yeah, they say his jumping is so good, he could do show jumping. Will is good in the commentary box. Nick I think is a little like Randy Moss. He knows a little about eventing, but he is mostly a racing guy. He will be at Breeder’s Cup next weekend. It must be tough to do that without someone else there for a bit of back and forth.
I am so proud of Boyd! I am sad he didn’t get to take Lulu but it is probably for the best. I bet his nerve wasn’t strong enough to go with her yesterday after last weekend.
OK that sounds good! I got the other impression yesterday when I read about the cross country.
Boyd’s ride is posted on YT, but there is no audio.