Pelvic fracture whine...

For your rehab; stay on healthy eating plan and add raw calcium and D to diet . Raw calcium from plants as rocks and shells are NOT in the human diet. Then exercise; sloly When you can ; walk on horse in contained area and stretch heels down with balanced butt and active diaphragm to equal lower core.
Bonne chance!!

Please post this saga on off course

If the hoof boots have metal on them anywhere, then they won’t do what you want.

How about posting this thread with a new heading about the hydro tower zot to warn the rest of the cothers? You will also get much more feed back.

Singing in the Shower - again!

PintoPiaffe - re your “visualization” idea. Terrific reminder! I’ve seen the studies too, where athletes who “rehearse in their mind only” do significantly better performing their sport, than those who don’t. When I was watching DVD"s of Grand Prix events, I ‘pretended’ that I was the one riding the horse, and imagined ‘feeling the horse under me’ while visualizing the movements or jumps. I found it VERY helpful when riding - though I’d never actually ride at those levels, the horse under me felt vaguely ‘familiar’ - much more so than just getting on “cold”. We could start a whole new thread on the benefits of this -especially while rehabbing! Seems we always forget to engage the Power of The Mind. Great stuff.

wateryglen - ““Is anybody in that band (Motley Crue) cute!!! Me thinks not…”” ummmm Pamela Anderson thinks Tommy Lee is, uh, ‘cute’ - did you not see the movie?!? LOL :lol: Don’t tell me you’ve managed to stay blissfully unaware of these two Pop Culture Icons! Bet you know who Ignace Semmelweis is though. :winkgrin: ( although I don’t think he could be called “cute” either - more like “distinguished” … lol )

BlinkersOn - ""friend wheeling herself angrily around her home vacuuming “” I can SO relate! Total hysterics!!! Haven’t made it that far yet - but did have The First Shower, with a shower transfer bench for simple ingress/egress, and happily drained the hot water tank to the last drop. No ‘saving energy’ this time - the principle of the event alone demanded it!:winkgrin:

grataan - ""Are we brainstorming shoeing ideas as a route to possible prevention of another “attack” or is there a lameness issue now? “” Brainstorming - no apparent ill effects. Thank God. Though he shall be closely monitored to see if anything at all is even slightly “off”. His memory seemed unscathed when I talked to him on the phone, but I shall grill him ( oops! ) more thoroughly when I see him in person. :lol:

Trying -"" stay on healthy eating plan"" yup, doing my best. Not much appetite, though, so I try to focus on nutritious. Tough agenda when hubby’s culinary skills are maxed out with toast and tea. I’m picking my way through Chinese take-out. At least it “looks” colorful! Regarding exercise - Can’t ride for 3 months, but with 2 weeks behind me, I can now manage more easily shuffling to and from bathroom with my walker. Bonus!

whicker - ““How about posting this thread with a new heading about the hydro tower zot to warn the rest of the cothers?”” Will do, when I can offer just a bit more helpful info to go along with it. So far, I’ve been too ill to leave the comfort our close little group and go Public on the Main Highway - but it is my intention to do so. Thank you for all of your support. :yes:

OP thinking of ya!

OOOO! First Shower!

Calloo-Callay, sound the trumpets! Marching band in order!

Such sheer bliss isn’t it??

I am so happy that you got to indulge for so long. There are times when that shower is better than Godiva chocolates!

How goes?

I found that food got really uninteresting. Particularly as all I could get was home-cooked and (because I couldn’t have it) all I desperately wanted was a greasy, fast food burger. My strategy became eating whatever looked appetizing, or not unappetizing, just so I’d have the calories. Then I took a multivitamin. I still lost a buttload of weight though. Not the way to get into those skinny jeans man!

Just popped in to wish you well, and say that your screen name describes you perfectly. :slight_smile:

Fan Mail

She did pick the perfect screen name. True Grit, You are amazing!!!:D:D