Pelvic pain and maybe pudendal neuralgia... is it possible to still ride?

I had sciatica start last tuesday… not horrible, just pins and needles and tingling from the middle of my butt cheek down the outside of my thigh… only happened when I was sitting.

Then it spread to around my sit bone and my crotch on that side. Well that’s kind of terrifying. So now I have pins and needles and other sensations such as fullness, burning etc down there.

I tried riding on Sunday and got pins and needles in my butt cheek, down the outside of my thigh, into my crotch, into the other sit bone and down the inside of both thighs.

Every time I google it I get Pudendal Neuralgia.

I am now absolutely terrified. My horse is my life, riding is my life and I don’t know what I would do without them.

I’m really praying and hoping that this is all just sciatica referring pain or something… and that it will eventually clear up and I’ll be normal again. I keep telling myself that.

Has anyone else dealt with this?

I get similar symptoms. Comes and goes. Does affect my riding, but not as much as you might think…you get used to it.

I would see a doctor though, or even a physiotherapist. If it is something like a pinched nerve or spinal issue, the sooner you get it tended to, the better.

I had fibroids and an endometroma ( mass of endometrium outside the uterus) which caused these symptoms. They were inconvenient, at times, but not monumental. menopause took care of the troublemakers. The endometroma was about the size of a grapefruit. I called it my phantom baby

You should probably check in with you MD and possibly consider a GYN apppointment, there are several issues which can cause issues with the pelvic compartment. Start with a proper diagnosis.