People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

There are a few areas in which Massachusetts is way behind the times. Protecting children is very, very much one of them.

I don’t know why we don’t have a state-wide sex ed curriculum, but my guess is it has to do with the very high percentage of Catholics in the state. Ironic given the Globe Spotlight reporting that exploded the issue of abusive priests here. So many victims have come forward and said that they didn’t tell their parents because their parents wouldn’t have believed them, etc.


Ha! When I started college, Eisenstadt v. Baird was still being argued in the courts.
(It prohibited dispensing birth control to unmarried women.)

Massachusetts may be liberal in many ways, but there’s a substantial Puritan hangover wrt sex.


I remember my mother talking about those days. Was there a time when BC was illegal for everyone in Massachusetts?

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I wouldn’t doubt it, but that was likely before my time.

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Considering the Catholic population in Massachusetts, it’s fair to say it was ‘forbidden’ to the majority of women there in the 70’s…

None of her family were Catholic. I think she was talking about the late '50s time frame when she was married…

Oh. The 50’s are a whole ‘nuther ball game

Yes, but historically, there’s also a significant anti-Catholic bias in the state.
For example:


Love this! I’m sure Safe Sport will want to investigate!

They also need to teach that sometimes these trusted adults, are bad people. That’s how these abusers get away with things, acting as a trusted adult themselves.


That’s fair. The focus on ‘trusted adults’ is specifically about identifying people a minor can go to if they are experiencing abuse. As @Scribbler mentioned… sadly, sometimes abuse happens within the home with immediate family, so it’s important to identify examples of people a child can disclose to if they need help. But yea, sometimes abuse happens outside the home with a trusted adult like a teacher, coach, faith leader, etc… again… it’s important for kids to have an idea of who they can go to for support. If they are in this situation, and they fear parents won’t be supportive, then it’s important to realize that there are other potential sources of support they can reach out to.


I meant to share this report to this thread a few weeks ago, when it first came out. But then forgot. Anyway… it’s a BIG story in the world of women’s crew, and a REALLY good example of how grooming works, and why all the SafeSport training focusing on bullying, MAAP guidelines concerning texting with coaches, etc… it all is actually quite relevant to the overarching issue of sexual abuse in sports. This case shows EXACTLY how these various elements were a factor in this predatory coach’s modus operandi.

In this case, this coach effectively groomed both the athletes, and their parents. And complaints were made back in 2018… but somehow… this guy survived related investigation attempts back then. :cry: from the report, it seems like a SafeSport complaint was also made in 2018, on top of complaints to the leadership of the rowing club and the school where he worked… and SafeSport also failed to identify that this guy was a serious problem.

I find it interesting that the senior athletes of the class of 2021 eventually came together upon graduating to support one another, and to look out for the welfare of the younger girls who were coming up the ranks behind them in the crew program, and they found the strength to try complaining again as a single group… and this approach actually got the attention of the parent led board of the rowing club. And the school. And then the case broke wide open. Very encouraging to see how young people supported one another, and looked out for one another.


that is the core of the problem!
the good church going person!
they volunteer so much time with the kids!
they are always so nice…

and the world will never believe they groom kids for abuse.

I am still blown away by the Nasser case. So many people served his victims up on a conveyor belt!


I’m not talking about volunteers or church leaders. I’m talking about teachers in schools, school guidance counselors, and school resource officers. There’s been a series of high profile sexual assault issues in public schools in Northern Virginia recently (in fact… another arrest was made at a middle school in Fairfax County today… :disappointed_relieved:) - in every single one of these cases, the school resource officer played a key role in the reporting process, and provided immediate support to the victims.

Of course there will be predators who work their way into these positions so that they can have access to minors… but that doesn’t mean we should teach kids to NEVER trust ANY of the people in these roles. If we do that… then who are we going to tell kids to go to for help and support if they are abused?

Honestly, as many horror stories as we read about teachers or coaches abiding minors… well, it’s important to realize that there are also soooooo many stories involving teachers and coaches who noticed signs a minor was distressed or in trouble, and stepped in, and helped support the kid and kick off an investigation that eventually ensured the abuse stopped.

A big part of the key for society in general is learning to notice the signs when someone in a role like that of coach, teacher, youth group leader, etc is crossing key boundaries, and might actually be a predator. SafeSport does important work to educate everyone about what signs to take note of.


This story is infuriating. It makes me wonder if the girls who came forward and reported the sexual abuse that led to the charges are now being accused of being spiteful, jealous, angry former “girlfriends” of the rowing coach by other athletes and connections to the sport? Since this is how it works in the equestrian community.


So many dynamics were notably parallel to certain abuse cases in equestrian sport. Most especially the way the coach played favorites, etc


through the WP article you can see where SS rules about social media , unwitnessed contact etc evolved and were needed. People whine about having to review new rules. Here is a perfect example how such rules are needed


it does not matter if they are teachers or preachers or volunteers, thr MO is the same.


Right. But you were questioning sex Education programs, and how they teach children about who “trusted adults” are if a child needs to reach out to someone for support in an abuse situation. I was trying to explain to you who it is that kids are directed to go to for support…

Predators are everywhere in society. That’s true. They look for positions from which they can easily access their preferred victims


I don’t understand this comment, could you please elaborate?

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