People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

We agree to some extent. I can see that you care.

We may have different opinions about the responsibility of adults to protect children where “creepy trainers” that seem to have been known to be “creepy” by so many people (for so many years) are concerned, and the obligations of those trainers to do their due diligence to protect children from those creepy people.

Of course, if parents aren’t proactive and aware of the issue, the kids are on their own. Yet, when parents trust the good professionals in the horse industry, if those pros do nothing about that creepy feeling, or wait until it is publicized that the first child has been hurt to disassociate themselves from the creep, the kids will have no chance against these predators.


I highly doubt this is the first child. Child molesters don’t just start that up out of nowhere in their 50s.


Creepy vets are everywhere! Does anyone say anything about them?


Definitely agree with this. But it’s rather sad. Who would subconsciously want to be desirable in that way?

Yet to be clear, some of the most vocal supporters of equestrian abusers would never have been “chosen” because they were the wrong gender. Or they weren’t the right type physically. Or the right age at the time. Or perhaps the most compelling reason: they weren’t vulnerable or naive enough.


Go right ahead and feel superior. That’s clearly why you are here.

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I don’t feel superior. I feel sick for these kids and for how long this has been going on.

I’m sorry that I am unable to explain my feelings about the subject without someone thinking I feel “superior”. Apparently my writing skills are lacking.



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Indeed the Chronicle article says there are thought to be earlier assaults, some outside the statute of limitations, and he also assaulted an adult woman in the past year or two. So not a one off occurence, as indeed these things never are.


Thanks for the clarification. I couldn’t open the article from my phone when I posted. It’s never a one off.


are sex offenders required to give DNA if found guilty?

I believe that varies state by state. In Virginia, yes.

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Yes in NY.

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A trainer from Calistoga was banned according to SS website. Anyone know anything surrounding that case?

The Charles White case is a complete mystery due to lack of any publication about it, but if you are familiar with the business, you can fill in the blanks easily. The local news outlets aren’t aware of his Safesport sanction and haven’t reported anything about him, but some months before he was initially sanctioned, his business partner (Macella O’Neill) made public the decision to close the stable (they operate several under the Diamond Mountain name) that they had run together for decades and that was in the local news. The announcement of the stable closing was made at a time when it was certainly known to her that her partner was under investigation by SafeSport, so I guess it was a “waiting for the shoe to drop” situation and not a complete surprise.


GM actually admitted to a BNT friend of mine that he “never should have written that book”


I’m glad he was caught be geezealoo what was he thinking? Something is wrong with him and his gigantic ego if he thought he could write about child molestation, intentionally hurting riders and horses and rapping legs with no consequences.


Indeed. Sort of cemented his legacy for-evah in a none too favorable light, eh? It’s all in print, by his own hand.


Absolutely :100:


I read the book (wouldn’t pay for it, I got it from the library) and thought it was awful.

I think it shows how in his mind, he considers his behavior, along with the behavior of his circle of friends as “normal” and acceptable, which to them it may be, but to most people (gay or straight) it is just not at all OK.


I agree completely. His behavior was both abhorrent and immoral. To publish this on his own volition is beyond comprehension