People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

The ultimate unforced error.

However, insofar as it gave him very little wiggle room when actual accusations were made through SS, perhaps decent horsefolk everywhere owe him a debt of gratitude to putting the nails in his own coffin. :rofl:


I was really hoping that the George Morris book would be an interesting look back at the time when the U.S. began their heydey in FEI jumping competitions. However I did hear that it was not a book worth buying, more of an odd ego fest, so I borrowed it from the local library.

It could have been interesting and informative book. Instead, it was a self centered, weird trip into G.M.'s psyche and I found that I really don’t want to go there, let alone pay for the privilege.

I was disappointed, to say the least.


I was given a copy as a gift and maybe made it halfway through before I tossed it. He’s not nearly as interesting as he thinks he is.


I found the book a twisted manifesto into the mind of the ultimate narcissist who hurt horses and people just for amusement or ego.


Today’s Athletes for Equity email:


Seems like they are just fundraising at this point. They need more money to do… whatever it is that they are doing. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Has anyone ever contacted the endurance community to see how they feel about this organization’s use of AERC? I wonder if it’s even on their radar. Pedophile trainers seem far more prevalent in the HJ community than in any other… I haven’t seen anyone reported with links to the endurance community.


will be easy to see who attends and supports this.


Oh yes, we know (I am on the BoD). I grit my teeth every time I see it used here.

However, there is no copy write on initials or nicknames… so just gotta hope this one never gains any traction. If you google AERC, this version doesn’t even show on the first screen for me.


Remember, pamphlets, and to pay themselves for their time :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Well you all officially have my sympathy!

It’s too bad there isn’t a legal way to challenge it.

Glad it doesn’t come up high on the Google search.


Bloomberg article on SafeSport within the Equestrian world:


Wow. That’s a really comprehensive article, and quite a bit about AES… especially given it’s in a mainstream media publication.

Thanks for sharing to the thread.


If this link doesn’t let you read w/out subscription, i was able to get to it by opening in an “Incognito window”


For those who read the Bloomberg article, I’d recommend watching the associated 20-minute video linked from the article, if you didn’t already. It covers a lot of the same stuff but I feel it definitely adds to it.


Sorry I didn’t realize there was a paywall. I don’t have a subscription and it opened for me without any issues. The site might have a limit as to how many free articles you can read.

I was able to read it (not a subscriber).

Well written and appreciate the perspectives provided. Ultimately, though, it makes equestrian sports look like a haven for predators.


I think you are right re # of articles. I’m on Bloomberg a lot and have long since used up my limit, lol.

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Well…we kind of are. At least a big, vocal chunk of us are. And still more who turn a blind eye because of pretty ribbons. It sucks.


Excellent article and video. Thanks for posting.

The only two things I noticed that deserved further clarification are the comments below about how sanctioned individuals had their livelihoods taken from them and that they have been suspended from their jobs.

If someone reading these remarks were not a part of the equestrian community, I can see that they might think that these individuals’ lives have been ruined and that they are no longer allowed to work in the industry. We all know that this is not true and that these individuals continue to profit greatly despite the SS sanctions.

Just a small criticism of an informative article, but something that is important to clarify that this is not a draconian system that makes it impossible for sanctioned individuals to function within our sport. Unfortunately.

“Hall of Fame equestrians have seen their names removed from trophies and stadiums, their livelihoods lost.”

“The center has the power to issue written warnings, put coaches on probation, suspend them from their jobs, or ban them for life.”

Edited to clarify that I think it is very unfortunate that these individuals can still make their living in our sport teaching minors.


I agree! :+1:

I have to wonder how non-equestrians react to reading that some of our sport’s so-called “heroes” are among the worst offenders.

And reading the details from victims who were groomed, manipulated and pursued by male horse trainers was quite revealing, including gaining the trust of parents and securing adjoining motel rooms at “away” horse shows. I’ll just say it seems like they all use the same playbook. :wink: