People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

You’re right, and I edited my post. I was trying to draw a distinction between “professional” grooms who are well known to the trainers and may even be working students, and the grooms who are temporary contract workers who may just work the show circuit.

Basically, if everyone who works on the show grounds has membership of some kind and training, it could be a requirement that grooms (farriers, braiders, etc) be able to show those credentials or they can’t work there. Likewise trainers would be able check if they are in good standing.

Just something to think about.


My understanding that WEF and Ocala and WEC all had trouble even finding stable help. Adding another layer to getting them hired would probably result in even fewer grooms.

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You’re going to have to fix US immigration reform before you’re getting any registry of grooms happening.


That may be so, but nothing’s preventing the horse industry from requiring a social security number and valid drivers license of the stable help. We all know why they don’t. Fine. But maybe there’s a way outside of federal legislation to hold people accountable.


Oh, I 100% support the horse industry following immigration and employment laws. I’m an employer walking the talk there. I just don’t believe the membership is going to vote to implement a rule that will significantly reduce its available workforce.


It is funny (not the haha kind of funny) to me that the large percentage of people involved in this industry are supporters of the “Build A Wall” party yet turn a blind eye when it is convenient. That is an entire other topic. :neutral_face:


though SS does have a section on bullying and hazing. they do cover it and sanction it, same for intimidation

for trainers with show barn it would behoove them to train their employees just like other businesses do as it pertains to sexual harassment and intimidation behaviors. I am more than willing to bet there are professional programs in Spanish


It’s true that SafeSport does address bullying in the training and regulations, and I’m sure they regularly receive complaints about bullying. But it wasn’t created to address a bullying epidemic … it was created because sports had been giving rapists and child molesters easy access to victims and allowing them to fly under the radar even when people knew something was wrong.

Have there been any long term suspensions for bullying? I haven’t heard of any, but I also haven’t followed the list all that closely. It seems like the vast majority of the suspensions I’ve heard of have been for sexual misconduct of some sort, as well as a few due to criminal records. Without looking up the statistics, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong, it’s also been >95% men, most of whom are trainers that work with minors, and the few women have often been suspended due to willful ignorance of a man’s sexual misconduct rather than perpetrating the abuse themselves. I do recall someone mentioning one woman suspended for sexual misconduct with student above, so there are rare exceptions, but overall it’s a very strong trend.

IMO, that is exactly who I would expect it to be … not the 40-year-old lady who rides as an amateur at a dressage barn full of adults. Hence, my comment that the oft-quoted phrase that “it’s always who you’d least expect” isn’t really accurate, but rather a way of rationalizing when you’ve been fooled by a predator.


Interestingly, Safe Sport has different procedures for the investigation depending on the nature of the allegation.

If the allegation is sexual misconduct, Safesport has exclusive jurisdiction
If the allegation is emotional or physical misconduct, it is at Safesport’s discretion as to whether to hand it over to the national governing body or to keep it with Safesport.
If it’s anything else, the national governing body handles it.

(Source: RR_Process_Infographic.pdf (

At a barn - the 20 something year old who was starting a flirtation with an 11 year old girl.

The team doctor for the gymnasts-so least expected he got away with it for many years.

Priests. Teachers. Family members. Next door neighbors.

At work when a couple of the executive staff were into ass patting, guess who was trained-lower level staff because of course the executive staff wouldn’t do that.

Successful famous horse and rider trainers who were icons for many decades.

And they groomed parents and other responsible adults into allowing them unfettered access to the minor.

So yeah, people you least expect. Maybe now we know a little better. Maybe not.


No, we’ve known about predation and grooming for decades. Several.


but it only happens in those neighborhoods to those people,

never US

I went thru this with an old friend re LSD


Oh right. Knew about it and did what? Anything effective? Oh wait, maybe gossip and victim shame/blame?

That is why we have SafeSport now.




Arie Van Der Heiden - old show-jumper and horse owner - has been given a Suspension for improper conduct/inappropriate physical conduct.


Manuel Torres, the Olympic show-jumper from Colombia - now residing in Murica - has been sanctioned by SafeSport, for allegations of misconduct. No further information available at this time.


The number of people who know RG is guilty as sin is a long list. Many just chose to put their heads in the sand or even worse. Victims were specifically told not to speak to SS, especially after his suicide. Let’s not forget those who blamed his victims for his suicide. Enough of them have come forward publicly since then to refute his supporters’ lie that “it was just one 17 year old more than 30+ years ago”. The list is long and continued into the years before his death.


Richard Neal is now under SafeSport investigation and is suspended due to allegations of misconduct.