People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

I get it takes money to do things but…

I’m slightly older than you, and had several gay male friends at that time. Things were in general much more free, but still - sex with minors (especially those under 16) was not only uncool, it was criminal.

There’s a big difference between a one-night stand with someone one met at a bar (presuming they were not clearly under age) and sex with someone one knows is a minor.

Just sayin’.


they aren’t selling a product to the public

The particular form of non-profit that they’ve made themselves requires that they have a substantial “membership” base of paid members. They also have to be careful about not having an income from “unrelated business” because that income would be taxable to them, and cannot be more than half their income. For example, selling T-shirts to nonmembers to fundraise can be considered an “unrelated business.”


How are youth in the sport supposed to feel like they are supported and protected when a JUDGE is running around bad mouthing and attempting to undermine the organization that was put in place to ensure that the bad actors are taken care of?


Athletes for Equity has posted another letter on their Facebook page to “Interested Parties”. Pretty much the standard party line - USEF and SafeSport aren’t telling the truth about the process, violating constitutional rights and due process, people have received lifetime bans without being told the charges first, etc, etc.

Reassuringly, the Facebook page only has around 300 likes and the only review (5 stars) is from DC. :rolleyes:


And… here’s the letter. Again constitutional rights, due process, yada yada yada.,…

Athletes For Equity In Sport, Inc.
10130 Northlake Blvd. ste 217-171
West Palm Beach, FL 33412

January 16, 2020

Dear Interested Parties,

"Contrary to the recently published statements by Safe Sport and USEF, it has been the collective experience or several lawyers representing the accused and supporting Athletes for Equity in Sport, Inc.'s efforts, in their many interactions with representatives of Safe Sport, that the representatives of Safe Sport demonstrate a severe prosecutorial bias and a wanton disregard for fundamental fairness in the processing of cases from the accusation stage to the punishment stage.

The Safe Sport system is flawed as it ignores basic constitutional protections granted to all persons subjected to such processes/determinations that will deny both the reporting party and accused significant fundamental commercial and individual rights and liberties. For example; individuals reporting abuse have waited months; even up to a year in some cases, a response from The Center for Safesport, More than one accused has been banned for life by The Center for SafeSport effectively denying the banned trainers the means to work at his/her chosen profession. without first providing a hearing, without affording the accused With a statement Of the charges against them, without affording the accused with the ability to discover and rebut the evidence to be used against them or to cross examine witnesses who have offered testimony against them,

The Center for SafeSport cannot undertake to do for the Government what the Government itself cannot do, Yet, as an entity created by statute to essentially police sport. they claim they can ignore the right of notice to be heard and a fair hearing before the taking of such rights, which must by law only occur in an appropriate and measured administrative process. If the government can simply sidestep procedural and substantive due process constraints by passing a statute to create an “independent” entity to do its bidding unconstrained by such constitutional limits on government action, then we live in a dangerous time and in a dangerous place."

Executive Committee and Attorney’s for Athletes for Equity in Sport, Inc.

Does anyone know if Diane Carney is still the USHJA Gold Star Clinic Coordinator as she states on her farm website?

‘If so, is it really appropriate for someone working against USEF and Safesport to be in such a position?


If I had been banned without a hearing, I would be screaming about it from the top of my lungs. Anyone hear that? Unless I was guilty, of course. Then I’d just let “the collective experience of many lawyers” speak for me.

The point about the timeline for the victims is laughable. This group wants it t be a criminal system, right? Since when is the criminal system any faster?


Just want to sow doubt in the minds of those who just read snippets about Safesport

I’m amused that the general public has to pay to know who these people are that have been disenfranchised by Safe Sport. I’m also highly amused Bonnie Navin was advocating JAMS arbitration for drugging suspensions. I guess JAMS is a good thing until they find their friends guilty.


I’m waiting to hear the name of the person “banned for life without a hearing.”


@oneequestrienne It definitely appears like she is still the coordinator for that clinic. Which makes me assume that the other information concerning her schedule is also correct… including that she is judging in Florida early February.

The most recent letter is signed by the Athletes For Equity in Sport Executive Committee, and their attorneys. Just for clarity… here is the information from their website…

President – Diane Carney
Vice President – Kelly Cormaci
Secretary – Vanessa Brown
Treasurer – Richard Cyr

Legal Council
Frost Brown Todd LLC
Michael Romm, Esq

At a certain point… it seems like if these folks can not endorse Safe Sport as a USEF program… they need to step down as USEF officials. I can understand going ahead with the clinics as scheduled, and not disrupting major shows at the last minute in terms of finding different judges with similar credentials… but at some point either Athletes for Equity needs to wind down, or people closely associated with it need to step down from their roles as licensed officials and USHJA/USEF representatives, or step down from their positions with Athletes for Equity.


It will cost you a membership fee. Mabye we should all chip in and designate a POC that will be a mole for us.

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@Denali6298 :lol:

Honestly though, I suspect the number of attendees for their “information sessions” is so limited, and part of such a small circle… that it would be fairly obvious to these folks that the mole is indeed a mole.

I think COTH should contact them and ask if a reporter can attend a session and then write an article about it. If it’s all legitimate and above board, with relevant information about how flawed Safe Sport really is being shared… good to know. If instead, it’s a small group of people essentially meeting up to sit around with someone who is on the banned list because they sexually abused children… and then listening intently to the banned persons experience with a sympathetic ear, because all these people agree that Safe Sport is the problem which needs to be addressed ASAP? :no:


Did anybody else receive an email today from this Athletes for Equity? I am not a member, have not liked their Facebook page, haven’t subscribed to anything - I’ve visited the website ONCE after reading these threads to find out what it said.

The bottom of the email says “You are receiving this email because you opted in via our website.”. I 100% DID NOT opt in via the website or any other manner.

I’m in Canada so it appears this is actually violating our CASL laws, so that’s interesting…

ETA - the email is soliciting membership in the group

Given that Phelps media was responsible for the George Morris email blast, my bet is the same source is responsible for this one, or at least the exchange or sale of email addresses

defending sex offenders really is becoming something of a cottage industry for some of the horsey set, isn’t it?


No email here and I’ve definitely been all over their website to read every disgusting thing they put out there.

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Here’s the text of the email copied and pasted:
[h=1]Athletes for Equity in Sport, Inc.[/h] [h=1]Today’s news[/h] Athletes for Equity in Sport Announces the Second Phase of Our Development: Membership

If you previously donated to Athletes for Equity* through our GoFundMe page, Facebook page, or via private donation, you are already a member. Please contact us at with your name and email address to register your membership.

Remember: Every donation goes toward the costs of advocating for change — including public education, legal expertise, and Congressional outreach — to help make SafeSport a fair and equitable process.

Membership levels available are:

  • Platinum
  • Gold
  • Silver
  • Bronze
Membership benefits include:
  • Members-only invitations
  • Access to our exclusive Members Only web page (coming soon)
  • Newsletter with progress updates
  • Stories, links, and live events
  • Voting rights
  • Members suggestion box
  • Automatic annual renewal
[B]The future of your sport depends on you. Become a member, and make a difference![/B]

Join us at
For more information, contact

*nonprofit corporation applying for tax-exempt status as a 501©(6) organization

I am going to email back (the “from” email is the gmail address referenced above) and ask them exactly how they got my email address to send this. I’ll post back if I get an answer.


I did not get an email.

I have visited the AFE website but opted out of Phelps emails several months ago bc I got tired of them constantly spamming me.

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I don’t want equity. I want the safety and security of the least among us to be paramount.