People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport


I also find the membership benefits amusing. :rolleyes:

“Members Only Invitations!!!”
“Access to the exclusive Members Only section of our website!!!”

Personally… this verbiage immediately brings to mind the jacket from the 1980s. We’ve gone from the Studio 54 show circuit, to “Members Only” pedophile support organizations. :sigh:


All while calling for transparency. Unbelievable. I would never donate to anything if all I could see was press releases with the rest of the information behind a pay wall.


“Equity” is the exact opposite of what they are seeking to achieve.


correct, they want the same old, same old, might makes right.


Equity for child molesters. Awesome. :eyeroll:


Interesting use of punctuation and capitalization. Very professional. I’d sure want them on my side in a fight :disgust: :rolleyes:


I did actually receive that GM PR email, and also not sure how I got on the Phelps Media list either. I’m sure my email got sold to them as I definitely have not signed up for anything on their site. The only thing I can think of is that I do have a USEF fan membership so I can watch livestreams. Does USEF sell off their email lists? I’ve gotten some other random emails from horse-related companies (real estate, media, etc) that I never asked for, and unsubscribed.

From what I can tell, they are violating Canada’s CASL laws by soliciting from any Canadians on their email list. I haven’t heard back from them yet as to how they got my email address but I’m interested to see if they will respond. Maybe I’ll need to submit a FOIA request :lol: I’m more familiar with Canadian privacy laws than US so will need to do a little research.

Also…I thought their premise was flawed before, then I watched the recording of the SafeSport presentation with Michael Henry (the first one - really well done), and now I think their premise is ridiculous. All of their “arguments” have been shot down and it’s been explained why they aren’t applicable (ie. the unconstitutional part, due process, etc). They really have their heads in the sand. Interesting to watch from north of the border! Not that we’re any better…our national body is implementing coach licencing, and eventually new certification processes, and it seems to be a struggle. As another posted said, they’re also implementing our version of SafeSport so I am waiting to see if we have the loud pushback up here too.


Well, they still haven’t responded to my request to know where they got my email from, but they DID send me another update (copied and pasted below):
[h=1]Athletes for Equity in Sport, Inc.[/h] [h=1]Today’s news[/h] Athletes for Equity in Sport is working daily toward achieving substantive change in SafeSport procedures. This means legally defining SafeSports’ rights and duties.

The members of Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES), along with our legal counsel, are actively engaged in this endeavor. For the past twenty-five (25) weeks, we have sent letters to Congress; this month (January 2020), we are up-leveling our mail-out to 535 weekly letters. The responses received from the letter writing campaign have been very encouraging with leaders in TOP positions in Washington D.C. very concerned regarding the lack of constitutional rights in the SafeSport process. Athletes for Equity in Sport will continue this letter campaign until SafeSport procedures become fair and impartial, affording equity.

In addition, we are meeting monthly with major worldwide news organizations, whose journalists are becoming as uncomfortable as we are with the unconstitutional ways of SafeSport.

Meanwhile, with the help of counsel and the members of Athletes for Equity in Sport, we have mapped out various legal strategies to be launched at the appropriate intervals.

To date, Athletes for Equity in Sport has held two public information sessions with athletes involved in the SafeSport process and their representatives. These participants shared their firsthand experience with navigating SafeSport’s inconsistent and poorly constructed protocols, which in practice are very different from what SafeSport publicly stated in recorded presentations or has put in writing.

Officials in various sports’ National Governing Bodies (NGBs) attempt to dismiss the truth of these individuals’ firsthand reports, calling them “myths”. This has inspired athletes in other sports — members of other NGBs and LAO (Licensed Affiliate Organizations) — to contact Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES). These athletes stand with Athletes for Equity; joining as members and adding their voices to AES’ demand for change.

We are planning a third public information session soon; more details will be forthcoming ASAP.

Going forward, there are more NGB cases ( USEF X HEARING and others) that Athletes for Equity in Sport is watching closely. When more information becomes available, we will share it with you.

Please continue your efforts as well. To become a member of Athletes for Equity, click JOIN US at For updated letter and article postings, click on NEWS & TESTIMONIALS. Contact us with any comments or questions:

Athletes for Equity in Sport is dedicated to an equitable SafeSport process — one that is fair and impartial for both the reporter and the accused. Only by effecting this change do we protect all of our athletes.

Thank you to all our members and those who are donating. Your support is making change possible in SafeSport procedures.

The Executive Group Athletes for Equity in Sport

Athletes For Equity In Sport, Inc.
10130 Northlake Blvd. Ste 214-171
West Palm Beach, FL 33412

I think I sprained a muscle rolling my eyes. Are they violating laws in Canada? Please report them.


I figured I’d give them a reasonable amount of time to respond, to be fair, before reporting. I’m just on my way to refresh myself on Canadian privacy laws WRT me accessing my personal information. I’m pretty sure we are able to request what personal info they possess, and what it’s used for.

And given that I did not give any informed consent, or even implied consent, they are violating Canadian law. I’m going to check into how to request my “customer record” first, then report.

ETA - I also sprained my eyes. I guess they’ve been too busy ramping up to sending 535 letters a week to, you know, follow the law.


Nothing makes them look more uneducated than citing the Constitution. And when were the two public information sessions? Where? Anybody been to one?


“TOP” officials in Washington? The Congress and Senate voted to make SS law. I’m sure they’ve got nothing else on their plates to deal with at present.:rolleyes:


I think these are the “members only” sessions that you get invited to after giving them money, at least that’s the impression we got before. I guess “public” as opposed to “by special invitation in DC with TOP officials” :rolleyes:

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The emails aren’t coming from the USEF member list. I get the USEF emails and I didn’t get the “Athletes for Equity” email.

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We’re guessing it’s based off the Phelps email list, since I also got the GM PR-spin-a-rama email. Did you receive that one?

I got the first GM one, but none since. I think I went to the Phelps site and opted out, but it was so long ago, I don’t really remember. :o I did let them know that I didn’t appreciate my email being used for personal propaganda from a member suspended for sexual misconduct with a minor.


:lol::lol::lol::lol: these letters are comic gold.


The Random use Of capitalization and apostrophe’s Makes My eye’s bleed


@SolarFlare - Thanks for the update!

I do know that The Horse of Delaware Valley publication (or whatever it’s called… something like that) edited by Sara Cavanaugh (who wrote a rather interesting letter from the Editor earlier this fall on Safe Sport issues) did an interview with Diane Carney in December - about a month ago. And I think the Chronicle did their interview with Diane back in November? Maybe THAT’S what they meant by “meeting monthly” with “Worldwide News Organizations” whose “journalists” are just as concerned as about Safe Sport being out of control, as Athletes for Equity is.

I do suspect USA Today is not one of the news organizations who is meeting with them, and has journalists sympathetic to their cause. I say this because USA Today very recently published a really comprehensive article about Figure Skating, and Safe Sport, and how that community is coping and reacting following the John Coughlin suicide, and other Safe Sport investigations of big names. They looked into the VERY real issue of athletes who had made Safe Sport reports, and faces criticism and hostility from others within their own sport afterward. They also specifically looked into some instances of prominent coaches who had made public statements that openly minimized certain victim’s experiences, and in one case, pushed a victim not to pursue a report. The stories were pretty ugly.

Not NEARLY as ugly as much of the stuff said publicly, and in writing, by multiple prominent coaches and USEF licensed judges in our sport… but hey… at least USA Today seems to realize how screwed up it is for prominent coaches who represent the NGB to minimize or ignore the suffering of victims, and undermine Safe Sport.

A few other undefined issues I noticed with their vague “news” blast, but don’t have as definitive of an idea about are

  1. When and where these “public” information sessions that already happened were.

  2. The names of the multiple individuals (and their representatives) who have been through safe sport investigations, and decided that they want to participate in these “public” information sessions with athletes for equity.

  3. And about that… if there’s multiple individuals participating in the information sessions, why is there only 1 testimonial on the website? Maybe they want to take a pause on the whole letter writing thing, and put more stories up on the testimonial section of the website, given that so many people want to speak out publicly about their Safe Sport experiences.

  4. For “statistical purposes,” can they clarify whether these people got banned after the Safe Sport investigations they were personally involved with? No need to share any info that might compromise the privacy of the “alleged” victims, who made “accusations” against the “alleged” abusers, who may or may not now be talking about their Safe Sport investigation experiences in these “public” information sessions being held by Athletes for Equity. All I want to know is… Were any of these people found guilty? By Safe Sport… or in a court of law? If so, did they appeal the Safe Sport decision? Did the independent arbitrator ALSO think they were guilty?

  5. Are minor athletes who are also members of the NGB allowed to attend these public information sessions being held by Athletes for Equity? If minors are welcome to attend these public information sessions, and meet with and hear from actual individuals have been through a Safe Sport investigation, and are participating in order to educate everyone on how flawed Safe Sport is, etc … is there any sort of policy making sure minors are accompanied by a parent at all times during these information sessions? Sort of like the MAAP policies outline? Because it seems like that might be a good thing to consider.

  6. For “statistical purposes,” could they state which other sports have athletes who have now signed up as members of Athletes for Equity because they think Safe Sport is out of control and a major threat? Or do I need to pay a membership fee in order to get that sort of statistical information?

  7. Is there a reason that Diane Carney herself is no longer signing letters or these emails with her own name, and they now come from “the Executive Committee”?

  8. These leaders in “top” positions in Washington D.C. who have followed up on this letter writing campaign and are REALLY interested in this issue… does Athletes for Equity anticipate these folks proposing some sort of legislation to repeal or reform the “Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization of 2017” law BEFORE the 2020 elections? Do they have any idea whether any of these people (congressmen, senators, possibly even presidential candidates!) wants to talk about the pressing need for equity with this law, and protecting the rights of accused child abusers, and make any sort of public campaign promise on this topic?

Alright… those are the immediate questions I have after reading this. I’m sure there will be more newsy news blasts, letters, and “public” information sessions that will help fill in the gaps coming soon. :cool:


I received the Athletes for Equity email today. It was (appropriately) in my spam folder. I also received the GM email and I attributed that to my getting Phelps emails.