People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Also news coming out of Canada;


From one of the news articles:

[…] La poursuite reproche à Francis Berger d’avoir agressé et exploité sexuellement une victime d’âge mineure.

Toujours selon ces documents, l’homme de 54 ans aurait aussi agressé sexuellement une jeune adulte.

Notre Bureau d’enquête a aussi appris que Canada Équestre, la fédération sportive dans le domaine du sport équestre au Canada, l’avait déjà sanctionné plus tôt au printemps à la suite d’une plainte. L’organisme lui avait interdit d’exercer des activités d’entraîneur jusqu’à la conclusion d’une enquête interne.

Après avoir comparu lundi au palais de justice de Sainte-Hyacinthe, Francis Berger a été remis en liberté, même si la police a des raisons de croire qu’il ait pu faire d’autres victimes.

Francis Berger a aussi le droit de sortir du pays, même si selon nos informations, certains des faits reprochés se seraient produits aux États-Unis.

Deux sources qui nous ont demandé de préserver leur anonymat ont d’ailleurs affirmé qu’il était parti pour la Floride ce mardi.

Il est aussi le fondateur et président d’EQUSS Intégral, une compagnie qui vend des produits et équipements dans l’industrie de l’équitation.

Rough translation:

Of the two victims who have come forward so far, one was underage and one was a young adult (Francis Berger is currently 54).

Sources say that Equestrian Canada sanctioned him in the spring following a complaint, not allowing him to act as a trainer while they conduct an internal investigation.

After appearing in court on Monday, he was released despite police having reason to believe that there could be other victims.

He also has the right to leave the country, even though sources say some of the acts were committed in the US.

Two sources confirmed that he left for Florida on Tuesday.

He is also founder and president of Equss Integral, which sells tack and equipment.


Thanks for the translation.

EC just made an announcement about it

Doesn’t USEF honor the suspensions of other National Equestrian bodies?

There is a Francis Berger listed as a USEF member (inactive) on the USEF site.
I think Safe Sport will notice him.


Sorry, I asked a stupid question. :upside_down_face:

Can you email the article to USEF? It’s behind a paywall for me. They need to know he’s coming to Florida. I’ll do it if I can get access to the entire article including the part that he is on his way to Florida.


Hmm, looks like both full length articles are behind paywalls, then.

This seems to be the same article but copied onto another site and run through automatic translation:

If you know who it should be sent to at USEF, then you’re probably in a better position than me to send it, but please let me know if you need me to do anything.

Thanks. I sent them the EC article asking for the public’s help and the translated article.

I very much doubt that USEF would be happy if Safe Sport found him on the grounds of the WEF or other winter shows in Florida.

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He can just hang out at PV’s place…


That’s no reason to remain silent. Some parents would like to know who their child’s trainer really is.


There is no one to be at the shows to tell someone who has been sent down by safe sport or the law, not to be there or that they are breaking the rules. Heaven forbid show management tell them to leave. There is a lot of complacency.

Yes, USEF has a clause covering other federations. If the person involved may be non competitive, might help to make the authorities involved aware


On EC’s Instagram post of this issue, someone came on and commented that EC had instructed show organizers to allow this person onto their show grounds (implying it was after both were aware of these allegations). Yikes.


It’s definitely not looking good for EC. Someone posted a screenshot on their Facebook page showing that they tried to search for his name in EC’s not in good standing database, with no results, and that’s the one thing they claimed to have done in response to their “internal investigation” earlier this year.

My internet is terrible so I haven’t tried loadingthe EC site myself to check.

Someone also posted that they tried to raise their concerns with EC via DM and felt that they were dismissed and gaslit.

I was looking for something else on the EC website and came across this:

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I received a reply email this morning from USEF saying that they have reported the information to SafeSport and SafeSport “is reviewing it and obtaining information.” They also said “thank you for notifying us of this.”

Edited for grammar.


Francis Berger is now on the U.S. Center for SafeSport website as temporarily suspended for allegations of misconduct.

Well done Canadians for bringing the matter to light here. :+1:


I’m impressed with USEF’s quick response. They got my email yesterday and immediately contacted Safe Sport and sent me a return email first thing this morning.

The USHJA also responded to me this morning. Florida for sure will be aware.


Thank you for contacting them, skydy!


Thank you for bringing the situation to light!

I just sent them an email with 2 links. It was simple.