People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Agreed. But according to her website, Diane Car will be busy judging at WEF for the next few days. Because she is still a licensed USEF official.

She should be able to have… and voice… strong opinion as a USEF member. But in my opinion… it’s really problematic for a licensed official of the NGB to also be president of an organization which is openly attempting to dismantle Safe Sport.


So I have a problem with the following statement made in the rebuttal:

“Created by Congress to perform a specific task in the oversight and management of our national Olympic sports teams, the U.S. Center for SafeSport regulates who may and may not represent the United States in international competition.”

The Center for SafeSport does not regulate who may or may not represent the US in international competition. That’s for each NGB to determine. By stating this, AforE is attempting to create fear which seems to be what they want. Too bad it just makes them look uninformed.


I caught that too, so I’m glad to see someone else calling that out. It’s abhorrent that they are putting out so much false information, but that seems to be the way things go these days.

I’m not sure how I feel about members of this group also being USEF officials. I get that it seems totally wrong, and my initial gut reaction is for USEF to get rid of them, but I’m not sure that’s really the right way to go. So Diane Carney would like to change Safe Sport in whatever way she is claiming in her head, but can’t seem to put it on paper so anyone else can understand her argument; so how does that affect her ability to judge USEF shows or organize clinics? Does she have inside knowledge about which trainers are under initial investigation by Safe Sport, so she’s going to give them the wins at horse shows or support their clinics in an effort to give the middle finger to Safe Sport? I guess I’m just not getting how the Athletes for Equity in Sport can undermine USEF by being USEF officials and trying to work against Safe Sport at the same time. On what basis could USEF dismiss them all as officials without being sued (because you know they will do that)?

ETA: Honestly, if these Athletes for Equity in Sport were anywhere near as serious as they claim to be about their issues with Safe Sport, they would have cut ties with USEF at the same time that they started their organization. That they want to protest Safe Sport as the villian that they claim it to be, yet still hold on to their memberships to USEF and continue to make their livings through those memberships, speaks volumes about their “cause” and their faith in what they claim it is about.


judges generally aren’t USEF employees, they’re contractors. don’t renew or give them contracts. It’s really very simple.


I would assume that very few Athletes for Equity in Sport members are USEF employees, but most if not all are probably members. So by the portion of my previous post that you quoted, I don’t really understand your point. I said that members (trainers, stewards, riders, etc) of Athletes for Equity in Sport should want to boycott USEF if they don’t like Safe Sport, and you replied that judges aren’t USEF employees. You don’t have to be a USEF employee to boycott the organization; you can be a member and quit your membership.

I was putting the onus on the Athletes for Equity members to stand up to their cause and quit USEF. But they aren’t doing that; instead, they are continuing business as usual as judges, stewards, trainers, members, whatever. My point is that they are not putting their money where their mouth is, because they can’t financially afford to back their “cause” in a meaningful way. They are all talk and no action.


Just wanted to flag for those interested that the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation is having a hearing on Safe Sport, including testimony from the CEO, tomorrow at 10am. Live stream here:…y-of-u-s-sport

To be clear, this is not in response to the Athletes for Equity nonsense. There’s just overall continued interest in the issue.


What ‘collateral damage’ is piling up?


Diane not being able to host or organize George’s clinics anymore, that’s the pile of collateral damage. Boo-hoo, pedos without paychecks for “training” USEF kids. Cry me a damn river.


(because I quoted the wrong part :wink: )

And after the fine example set at the Super Bowl I’d have a hard time explaining safe sport to children
Hey kids— this is how you need to behave— shimmy on up that pole and show us your crotch! Then we can put you in a cage!
And yes I know it’s pro sports but I do believe children are involved in football
Fine fine example

Which football players did that?


(she’s complaining about the half time show)

Its funny because my friends are all responding to the aghastedness I hadn’t seen yet, but here it is! waiting for me on coth!


Obviously. Not sure what adult singers have to do with pro football or safe sport for that matter.


Although you appear to be ok with the men inflicting TBI on one another…


I do understand that some people see an inherent conflict between the sexualization of public display and women’s demands to not be treated as sex objects. However, that is entirely irrelevant to SafeSport, its interactions with the equine industry, and the sexual abuse of minors.

The behavior of the child is irrelevant. Even if a 14-year old walks into her/his trainer’s room buck-naked and says “F*** me,” the only appropriate and acceptable immediate ADULT behavior is to decline and remove himself from the situation. Your comments just perpetuate the “she/he asked for it” nonsense that abusers use to justify their actions.




I’m not either but I believe someone paid them to show their vaginas to America. I also believe it was part of organized sports

Actually I am. They want to do it for a living so it’s their decision and I believe they get paid a little bit for their effort

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I think you just handed Athletes for Equity in Sport their new tagline. :lol: