People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

do you think Shakira and J-Lo work for free and had no say in costuming or choreography???

I’m fairly certain J-Lo and Shakira both make well above the league minimum and have way, way more say in their performances.

I can’t believe we’re having this conversation

We in the general and collective sense


Say what? If you don’t have an idea about what the super bowl and it’s half time show have to do with safe sport why are you bringing it up?

And I personally did not see anyone’s vagina.


Now would be a good time to brush up on your anatomy so you don’t have to be worried when watching entertainers. A crotch, vulva and vagina are all different parts. All of which were completely covered by their outfits and quite a bit of sparkles, no reason to be alarmed.


I couldn’t slog through the new “Athletes for Equity” letter. It just became blah, blah, blah.


Just so with the women you’re so concerned about.


You may have been absent the day they taught this so let me clarify for you. A woman’s vagina is an internal organ and not visible on tv without the use of a speculum. It’s safe to say there were no speculums on stage so your eyes are still virgin.



Just so with the women you’re so concerned about.[/QUOTELook at it this way— since the sports world is filled with abusers, all these children will have a head start on on getting what they want through sex. After all their parents sure did!

[quote="“oreo mom,post:312,topic:463807”]

is there something wrong with you?

This is some very strange not quite comprehensible ranting going on.


Welp I’ve just been left speechless. I think perhaps it’s time to ignore oreo mom.


In other news… Diane Carney has put forth yet another letter as part of her ongoing campaign to undermine Safe Sport. Here it is… I have included all of her grammatical choices verbatim. :uhoh:

The letter is dated January 21, 2020. It was shared on the public Facebook page of Athletes for Equity in Sport last Thursday, January 30th. They posted an image of the typed letter, which was addressed to “Ju’Riesep Colon.” :uhoh:

The current CEO of SafeSport is named [B]Ju’Riese Colón.


Here’s the rest of it…

”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹”‹[I]Ms. Colon:

My name is Diane Carney. I am the President of Athletes for Equity in Sport Inc., a new non-profit organization advocating on behalf of athletes, coaches, trainers, and others impacted by your organization.

Please provide me with the following information for statistical purposes:

  1. Can you provide relevant Curriculum Vitae information on your active investigators that are employed with SafeSport and that are involved in your evidence collection process?
  2. What is SafeSports procedure to assign priority of the reported cases? We have heard reports that individuals (in regard to the reported alleged incident) have yet to be contacted by SafeSport?
  3. What is the average caseload for each investigator?
  4. Does SafeSport employees attending working groups or any type of continued education in regard to their field of work?

I am asking for this as a member of USEF. I am required to take training by that organization. I am not requesting victim identifying information, only information for statistical purposes.

I look forward to receiving this information. Your prompt attention to my request will be appreciated. Thank you.

Diane Carney
President, Athletes for Equity in Sport[/I]


@Virginia Horse Mom I swear she remains ignorant to say they aren’t transparent for not answering her directly. And why does she think CV’s of their staff should be available to anyone? Oh wait, when they refuse for obvious reasons to those of us who live in reality she can say they are not transparent.

@oreo mom one last thought, if a super bowl half time show causes football players aiming for the NFL to use sex to get on a team I’ll eat my helmet and maybe a turn-out sheet.


Yeah but you use words and write in a very clear manner. I think picture books would convey the information at the comprehension level of the recipient. You could maybe use single words as captions like “bad”, “wrong”, “good”, etc.


Are we going to be breaking out our COTH crayons for the pictures? I request Royal Purple.


That or “due process for pedos.” It’s a toss up at this point.


@Jenerationx I do think we need to bust out the CoTH crayons. I claim lavender. Also what about “Justice for Pedos”? Has a nice ring to it, and it’s clear.

Funny on the FB thread Vanessa Brown refuses to name who from other sports has joined them.


JLo and Shakira were Not Paid for their Super Bowl performances. They did that for free for the exposure ( no pun intended).

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She needs an editor.

It seems as if she is fishing for information about who may be the next to be investigated (“we have heard”…), but it’s actually difficult for me to understand what she is asking for, because of her writing “style”.


Sounds like questions that mimic those used for interrogatories/depositions --do they have standing to sue if they are not a party to any action?

And also information-- in the wrong hands – to troll/harass/etc. investigators and employees of SS.


Maybe a Goofus and Gallant sort of approach?

I probably just seriously dated myself…