People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Yes, I think you dated yourself, but I’ll join you. I doubt Highlights magazine ever envisioned an adult Goofus and Gallant drawn into cartoons depicting them abusing/not abusing minors!


[quote="“oreo mom,post:312,topic:463807”]

You have some rather “interesting” perspectives on societal norms.


Literally what I was thinking. But with color. I used to wait with zero patience for my Highlights magazine! :lol:


I do believe she is fishing, though she’s obviously interested in anything that she can use to discredit SafeSport in the public arenas of social media and the courts. I think that if you were - somehow - able to look carefully at whom she is professionally and personally associated with (outside of the obvious GM wagon hitch) over the past 40 years and her clear role as a spokesperson/figurehead in all of this mess, you might get an idea of what she could be trying to get a handle on and avoid, especially if she’s been complicit to or participated in certain activities that SafeSport would be interested in knowing about. Though somewhat prominent she may be as a professional, she’s a mystery beyond her long-standing association with GM and a few other professionals, and one can clearly see in every Internet writing about her that there’s a level of horn-tooting with her and her circle that is of the same sort we see with these people being removed by SafeSport investigations in various sports. At any rate, her questions can be answered simply by looking at the information already put out there by SafeSport and news reports about the organization and it’s work, which took me less than an hour or so to distill from what I’ve read.



Justice for Pedos sounds like you want justice for the pedos…or did I miss something lol

That was for Athletes for Equity’s tag line :lol:


Ok that makes more sense hahahah :lol:

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Maybe someone should tell them? That is crazy!


Their Pony Club website lists the names, phone numbers and email addresses of the board -

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I suspect that the organizers know nothing about any of this. If I didn’t follow COTH on Facebook, visit the forum fairly frequently, and have friends that show hunters and jumpers at USEF rated shows, I certainly wouldn’t know anything about Diane Carney, ISWG, or Athletes for Equity. I probably wouldn’t even know that George Morris had been banned.


I couldn’t find anything on their website about it…

@Virginia Horse Mom where did you see that he’s doing a clinic?

ETA: I read that wrong, Diana Carney is doing a clinic. Eh, if they want to spend their money on someone who works to defend their gravy train that’s on them.

I get where your coming from. I do. But she, despite her convictions, has every right. She’s also doing a clinic that I know for a fact a friend of mine set up. Do I think she’s an ass? Yes. Do I think people should try to ruin her? No. This is a situation where you have to give someone enough rope because they will hang themselves.


@Virginia Horse Mom , I like a lot of your logic. Yes, we deserve SafeSport, much as all these organizations like to complain - we earned it.
I don’t care about DC’s advocacy.
IF however, she or others say they will not comply, or leave USEF - that’s where the line is drawn - then, no, no sponsored clinics, and obviously, no officiating.
It’s an interesting question - given that she’s an official and licensed by USEF - but as a member, no, I am not going to protest her clinics or officiating.
Great discussion guys!


There are no underage children in the NFL, which, in case you didn’t know already, isn’t an Olympic sport.

And “confusing”. Need probably two or through “confusing”'s in that letter Virginia Horse Mom is typing up.

Re: Diane Carney giving clinics:

I think you guys are over-stepping to suggest that anyone blacklist her as a clinician on the basis of her complete, utter, obvious, unabashed, stupid and irredeemable assholery agenda regarding SafeSport. All of that granted, she has not run afoul of any limits that the USEF or SafeSport has in place. To make the argument that she is within her rights but deeply unlikable in a significant way and therefore should be dropped like a hot rock looks to me like the top of a somewhat slippery slope to others getting somehow justifiably blacklisted for the other (and many) deeply unlikeable things they could do. I


I don’t think she should be blacklisted. However people have a right to vote with their wallet or not so my comments were more about what I would do personally. I don’t think phone calls or emails should be made to the places that want her as a clinician.

In the wake of Safe Sport there are many trainers I won’t use. I also don’t go out of my way to make sure everyone knows why and try to paint them as some monster because of what they think wrt Safe Sport.


So I don’t know this DC person, and I certainly agree people have the right to spend or not spend their money with clinicians of their own choosing. That said, I really think we should try to avoid the black and white thinking that seems so prevalent on this issue, where people either support SafeSport wholeheartedly with no reservations and no questions asked, or they are pedophile-enabling monsters who want to supply children to abusers.

There is a middle ground: people who in good faith want to have a safe, abuse-free sport but also want to feel that accused people are treated with the utmost fairness. Granted, some people with concerns about fairness may be confused. They may be unsophisticated people who have trouble grasping the process or understanding how it compares to processes say, in the Boy Scouts or in a workplace. People may disagree about whether some or none of their concerns are legitimate. But the key thing is, they are acting in good faith. They are not evil people, even if you think they are ignorant or confused.

This mirrors what is happening in the political landscape. Many of my friends say quite proudly, “I would never be friends with [a member of the other party.]” As if it is laudable to shun someone with different beliefs. To me, it’s not laudable; it just shows a failure to understand that someone could be acting in good faith yet reach a conclusion that seems incorrect.

I think there are unnamed abusers that are not on the Safe Sport list. Just sayin’ …


Has anyone asked her if she would report a SafeSport violation if she witnessed it, or were made aware of it? Even if said violation “happened years ago” or if the accused were a friend or close business colleague? Or if she thought the victim “threw herself at” or misrepresented his/her age to the accused?

Seriously - I want to know under what circumstances DC deems predatory behavior worthy of a ban.