People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Great.:cool: Oh, well. Sunlight is the best disinfectant…


Horse show Diva. Someone made a thread with Virginia Horse Mom’s handle in the title asking who she is IRL.


Thank you @Denali6298

That is inappropriate. Why pick on Virginia Horse Mom? Diane Carney worried about the facebook quotes here? Why doesn’t she, or whomever else it may be, just join the conversation here if she has something to say?

I see that it is that person’s first post…


Crazy people? Passive aggressive? Who knows. Either way it’s cowardly and extremely inappropriate.


I’d join and say what I think, but I don’t want to give any info to that website.


Shark Week means I have my period.


Thanks for the support :slight_smile:

Getting a thread put up on HSD about me by someone named “shark week” is definitely the most random and weird thing I’ve experienced in a longtime.

My husband has volunteered to start the car each morning for me for the next few weeks. :uhoh:


Ok. I just looked that up because I was trying to figure out whether or not you were joking… and you weren’t 🤣

How weird.

I think Shark Week is also a TV show?

Intimidation won’t work if that’s what they are trying for. There are too many of us.

If it’s so very freaking important to know who VHM is, why don’t they come here and ask her?:cool: Weirdos.


I find it hilarious but the person using the screenname, not so much. But eh, you should be flattered, really. If someone cares enough to start trolling for your real identity, you clearly are speaking truth to power. I salute you.


Thank you.

Someone related to of one of the show management teams that hires JM promptly tried to friend me on Facebook.


You are referring to John Manning the course designer who is a registered sex offender, correct? The prize list isn’t up on the Nilforushan site for the 2020 Temecula Valley National Event so I’m not able to see if he is still listed as a course designer there.

Steve Milne is teaching disabled riders. I can’t imagine any group of people more vulnerable. :no:


Yup. Manning. As of a few weeks ago he was listed as the manager for one of the Temecula shows on the USEF website.

And totally agree on the therapeutic riding center. The people there apparently had no idea.

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Now the person on HSD is saying that wanting to know VHM is IRL has nothing to do with Safe Sport.

Funny, if that was the case you’d think they’d just come here and ask instead of going to a different site, making a first post, and referencing this thread. :wink:


Since you seem to be reading this thread “Shark Week”, why didn’t you send VHM a PM here, and ask her who she is, since it is so “very important” to you? Why take the devious, long way around?

We didn’t just fall off the turnip truck.:wink:

If anyone reading this, posts on HSD , I wish you would pose this question to “Shark Week”.

Funny how “Shark Week” doesn’t know “a Diane” after reading this thread.


You’re right, I must have been thinking of Shark Tank. It has nothing to do with sharks but is some sort of reality program. I’ve not watched it but have seen advertisements for it. I don’t watch TV very often. I prefer to read the news and watch some shows online.

Don’t let the weirdos get you down. They are cowards, obviously. :slight_smile:

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@Virginia Horse Mom I don’t think you are going to get any PM’s. I bet you it’s a known poster here.

It’s just crazy to me that someone would actually ask for someone’s name and say it’s important despite, I dunno, messaging you here.


I guess if they’re going to pick a name, something gross and unwelcome makes sense. :encouragement: Why don’t you just jump on in and tell us your RL details, Shark Week?


We are described as “cackling yentas” by a poster on the HSD site. :lol::lol:
That is amusing coming from someone who is posting on a gossip site like HSD. I wonder if the irony escapes them.

Nice though, that most everyone there thinks Shark Week is as disingenuous as we do.


Someone said the same here. I can’t remember who though. It’s probably the same person.

And they are laughing about what “shark week” means.