People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Just a quick search turns up that coths cackling yentas is what was being said in the “I STAND WITH PEDOPHILE GEORGE MORRIS” fb group, and was relayed in the George Morris thread on coth.

So this is definitely a pro pedophile query into VHMs identity.

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Good sleuthing!

Actually the person that used the term didn’t seem terribly sympathetic to the OP on the HSD site.

Perhaps it is just a name for COTH forum users that is popular with people who frequent HSD.

There were a couple of posters here a few years ago who delighted in mocking the “yentas” of COTH and their supposed “pondering dumb bloods”…. The two of them were quite the bullying tag team both on the COTH forums and the old Horse Show Spy. One had her actual farm name in her sig line, and liked to mock posters for hiding behind screen names. Her pal was banned a few times under various screen names, and finally stopped coming back. The two of them were active on the recent Facebook threads in support of George Morris.

Whoever was posting on HSD was not reading the crowd very well, as the posters at HSD were generally supportive of the banning of GM, the typical attitude being that it was well-deserved (see the “george morris… a done circus” thread).


I don’t think anyone would support outing who people really are, especially on a different forum. The person seems to be against that but is probably whoever you are talking about.


Oh - and still no pm from “Shark Week” directly to me. About the “very important” matter.

But some VERY kind ones from other COTH users. Thanks everyone.


I would google yourself occasionally to see if someone actually gave that cowardly poster your name.


I don’t think I could take much of anything from a site called Horse Show Divas seriously, tbh.


I’ll give HSD credit for one thing. If you can sift through the bravado and and antics, information comes out there well ahead of the official word. They were discussing the situation with GM a good 6 months ahead of the news breaking wide. Similar happens regularly regarding pros scamming clients, positive drug tests and other issues going on.

Not a pleasant or kind spot, but also not useless.


And I do have to laugh when people here say people are rude or whatever… cuz that site.


A big lawyer for some guys under investigation gets a lot of stuff deleted on HSD if it mentions her clients name. 😒

It’s funny because I think it’s devin ryan, and I can see that comments I made on coth about people forgetting that devin ryan is a not so great guy who sores horses at shows have seemingly also been removed. I hate the memory hole.


It’s common knowledge and public record that he was made to leave the show grounds for the condition of his horses legs a few years ago. I’m surprised that anyone can stop it being mentioned.


There is an addition to the provisional suspension list on the USEF site.

Douglas Masters? Who is he?

He is a show-jumper. Runs Master Show Stables in Lexington and is knee-deep in attractive junior riders and their friends, whom he appears with in social media photos. AOC in Kentucky goes up to 18 because of his role, so assuming he isn’t alleged to have done something animal-related, you can guess what the reason might be.

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The latest from AfE (note that your membership auto-renews annually so you don’t even have to worry about renewing your defense of child molestors!):
[h=1]Athletes for Equity in Sport, Inc.[/h] [h=1]Today’s news[/h] Athletes for Equity in Sport Announces the Second Phase of Our Development: Membership

Athletes for Equity in Sport has been making huge strides in making SafeSport an equitable process but we still need your help.

Every donation goes toward the costs of advocating for change — including public education, legal expertise, and Congressional outreach — to help make SafeSport a fair and equitable process.

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I suspect - or at the very least really hope - that support for this BS has petered out. Besides, there are other more pressing issues that concern the equestrian world right now. Like, oh, I don’t know, Covid-19 and its impact on horse professionals’ income, perhaps?


What “huge strides” have been made? I’d like to know what this group has done other than make survivors of abuse feel unwelcome in the sport.


Collected some money for it’s “president”?