People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

My mind is still blown that they call for transparency from Safe Sport, yet can’t say specifically what they have done and who they have gotten on board from Capitol Hill. They put that behind a pay wall.


It seems to me that someone saw an opportunity to make money, or they would be more transparent.

They are apparently still not a non-profit.


Talk about tone deaf:

" [h=1]Athletes for Equity in Sport, Inc.[/h] [h=1]Today’s news[/h] [h=4][/h] [h=4]NEWSLETTER March 21, 2020[/h] [h=4]As we look forward to our country successfully facing the changes imposed by the COVID-19 virus, Athletes for Equity in Sport hope that all our members are staying well and adhering to CDC protocols.[/h] [h=4]Our Focus Right Now [/h] [h=4]During this difficult time in the USA and the world at large, Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES) continue our daily efforts and strategies to respectfully demand equity in SafeSport procedures.[/h] [h=4][/h] [h=4]While there is disruption to our daily lives, there is also renewed opportunity for AES to achieve personal conversations and correspondence with U.S. Senators and Congresspeople now that they are available and able to focus on our concerns. These honorable representatives must understand that two distinctly different SafeSport conversations are ongoing at this time:

  1. Facts from athletes — and their attorneys — who are experiencing the SafeSport process firsthand.
  2. Distorted data and misinformation from
    (a) SafeSport’s Congressional testimony seeking more funding
    (b) less than 100% truthful SafeSport town hall presentations

It’s AES’ mission to help our elected representatives recognize these two very different points of view so that they can then choose to do the right thing by making SafeSport fair to all parties involved.[/h] [h=4]With our condolences[/h] [h=4]It is with great respect and a collective sorrow that we must regretfully announce that one of our executive members, Patrick “Packy” McGaughan, age 56, passed away suddenly earlier this month. AES sends our sympathy to his family and friends.

Packy was passionate about AES and the legislative correction of SafeSport. Through his contributions to AES over the past 8 months, we have been propelled forward with a clear vision of the legislative work to be done, including contacts with lobbyists tasked with conveying AES’ regulatory recommendations regarding S.2330 – the Empowering Olympic and Amateur Athletes Act of 2019.

AES is dedicated to honoring Packy’s focus and our mission: namely, achieving equity in SafeSport procedures. AES is currently receiving donations earmarked for AES’ lobbying efforts; to date, we have raised half of the needed funds. As an AES member who shares Packy’s and AES’ dedication to the statutory process in Washington, D.C., we hope you will please consider making a designated contribution to the AES lobbyist fund.[/h] [h=4]We’re Still Growing![/h] [h=4]AES is fortunate to have gained two new and very well-connected executive members, both of whom have had extensive experience and success on Capitol Hill. The time is NOW for us to impact legislative drafting of S.2330 and thereby change SafeSport procedures by statute.

AES is also in the first stage of drafting the House of Representatives’ companion bill, which will likewise effect equity in SafeSport’s process via statutory change. In addition, AES attorneys are continuing with NGB (national governing body) and USOPC (United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee) cases, which will shape litigation at the Federal court level when the time is right.[/h] [h=4]Public Information Continues[/h] [h=4]AES’ informational meetings will resume as soon as public meetings are once again a responsible activity, hopefully in the near future. In the meantime, we are compiling comments via video from athletes, coaches, and parents involved in the sports of boxing, cycling, dressage, eventing, gymnastics, show jumping, skating, and wrestling.

These video testimonials by the athletes themselves, along with other firsthand participants in the SafeSport process, demonstrate just how disingenuous SafeSport’s public town hall statements really are compared to the reality of their actual procedures. Updates can be found at

AES thanks you and our other members and contributors as we band together to achieve essential changes on behalf of all participants in Olympic and Paralympic sports: changes that ensure positive, fair, and just procedures for each and every party involved in a report to SafeSport. Together, we can make a difference.

Take care, and stay well!

Executive Committee
Athletes for Equity in Sport "[/h] [h=4][/h]

I just saw this and came to post the latest newsletter…WTF?!?

  1. “there is also renewed opportunity for AES to achieve personal conversations and correspondence with U.S. Senators and Congresspeople now that they are available and able to focus on our concerns”

Uhh…I can’t think of anything else more important that they have to do right now…

  1. “2. Distorted data and misinformation from
    (a) SafeSport’s Congressional testimony seeking more funding
    (b) less than 100% truthful SafeSport town hall presentations”

Anybody know what this “misinformation” might be?

  1. "AES is fortunate to have gained two new and very well-connected executive members, both of whom have had extensive experience and success on Capitol Hill. "

But we won’t tell you who they are! (Maybe it’s on the website…I don’t really feel like giving them more traffic though)

  1. As many of us are staying home and may have more time, anyone want to go check out these video testimonials that are apparently on the website? I’m interested to know if the discrepancies they are about aren’t actually discrepancies ( as in, whatever took place follows the SS procedure, whether they agree with it or not).

Yeah, many people are losing their livelihoods at least temporarily, but let’s take this time to bug our representatives about making sure pedophiles aren’t punished too harshly at this time. Also, we could use some more money to put in our coffers to tear down the organization that was FINALLY put in place to put a damper on the kiddie diddlers in our sport.

I wish there was a full list of members so I know who to avoid.


OMG. These people…

words fail. So freaking STUPID.


What is that saying?.. you can’t fix stupid.

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That’s a lot more polite than what I was thinking…



I get the impression they’ve hired lobbyists. Bad timing. They seem blind to reality. :mad:


Well horse show judges are out of work completely right now. They likely need some income to keep up their manner of living. Especially horse show judges who don’t ride and have no customers. I mean, think, people.

No video testimonials that I saw on the website, and no new names listed among the board members. This may be behind the pay wall.

There is a letter just posted on the “I Stand With George” Facebook page that is purported to be from Katie Monahan, lamenting the unfair treatment of GM and stating not only that she doesn’t believe the two accusers she knew at Hunterdon, but that this must be part of an insidious plot by some jealous person blaming GM for the fact they never achieved the level of success to which they aspired.

She’s an actual dumpster fire.


I just saw the Katie M letter shared by 2 people on fb. Unbelievable, let sleeping dogs lie.

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March 19, 2020
KATIE MONAHAN, INC. Plain Bay Farm P.O. Box 1214 Middleburg, VA 20118
I was giving a lesson the other day to a group of my students who were competing here on the Florida circuit. The lesson was geared specifically around one junior, who had just lost his jumper classic the previous Sunday by knocking down the last vertical in the jump-off. In his eagerness to win the class, this student had galloped to the last fence; found a flying distance; thrown his shoulders forward at the takeoff; allowed his horse to dive to the corner; and “BAM”, knocked down the jump!
During this calm Tuesday lesson, it was time to get back to basics. I set a low gymnastic line of several short one-strides. Then I asked the riders to stand straight up in their stirrups, not letting themselves lean forward or fall back as they jumped down the small line. I explained to my students that this exercise was for body control, something vital to learn if they wanted to jump that last vertical clean.
As I watched the kids repeating this exercise, I started to cry. Because at that moment, I was reminded of something that I think of often: Everything that I know about teaching — everything that I’ve given my thousands of students over more than 40 years — was taught to me by George Morris. The discipline, the exercises, the basics, the work ethic, striving always for high standards — it all comes from George.
George Morris has been the greatest influence in the American hunter/jumper/ equitation world for more than 50 years. When I was growing up, every professional copied George; every coach talked like George; every rider, trainer, judge, and groom cared what George thought of how they did their job. When George was around, everyone was at their best.
I’m writing this open letter because I want everyone to realize what a colossal loss it is for all of us to not have George Morris at the horse shows, to not have George Morris giving us his words of wisdom, and to not have George Morris teaching his clinics worldwide.
It is so wrong for George’s name to be removed from arenas, events, and walls of fame. I want future generations to know who George is and what a giant he will always be in our sport. Still today every equitation student, through their trainer, is influenced by the George Morris system of riding.
What has happened in America over the last few years makes me very, very sad and also very angry. I want to ask some questions:
First, what has SafeSport done to make our sport safer?
”¢ Is our sport safer because Jimmy Williams’ name was taken off the Hall of Fame after he had been dead for more than 20 years?
Ӣ Is our sport safer because Rob Gage killed himself?
Ӣ Is our sport safer because George Morris is banned?
Ӣ Do his accusers feel better about themselves now?

KATIE MONAHAN, INC. Plain Bay Farm P.O. Box 1214 Middleburg, VA 20118
Next, I’d like to talk about George Morris’s two accusers. I was at Hunterdon, George’s barn in Pittstown, New Jersey, when they were there. I’ve known them both for more than 40 years.
The first accuser was always strange. He even went by another name during the Hunterdon days. I remember very well seeing him out at night, especially at horse shows. He was very druggy. Years later, he was arrested for and convicted of having child pornography on his computer. He is now and forever a registered sex offender in the state of Florida.
This man was banned from our sport by SafeSport. But guess what? The day after he testified against George, SafeSport reinstated him. He is now allowed to teach children at horse shows and at private farms.
Does that sound safe to you?
The second accuser was a tall, strong young man. I remember that during our Hunterdon days, he was very friendly with a couple of the other young men at the barn. This individual’s story was that during a clinic George was giving, he was a demonstrator. During the night, George allegedly came into his room, held him down, and raped him all night long. He said he cried out for help, but no one came to save him.
Again, guess what? A good friend of mine was also a demonstrator at that clinic. He had breakfast every day with the accuser and never heard, saw, or sensed anything unusual.
In addition, if you’ve ever done a clinic with George, then you know that he doesn’t even like to have dinner with the organizer. He goes back to his room with his notes and his books in order to be able to give every day and every student 150% of his energy.
Personally, I don’t believe George’s accusers. My third question is this:
Ӣ Who is behind these accusers?
Ӣ Who pushed them to tell their tales?
Ӣ Is there a person, or a family, who blames George for their own failures in life? Thinking
it was George’s fault that they didn’t become as great as they thought they should be?
Ӣ Is there a high-up authority somewhere who thought it would be good for our sport to
take down a high-profile figure?
In my opinion, Safe Sport has damaged our sport.
For me, George Morris is the greatest person any young rider could have grown up with. I think of the thousands of people George has helped over the years. So many of his students, including me, have gone on to become professionals with students of their own. It is fair to say that over the course of the last half century, George’s philosophy and teaching methods have

KATIE MONAHAN, INC. Plain Bay Farm P.O. Box 1214 Middleburg, VA 20118
been handed down through generations. Directly or indirectly, George has helped hundreds of thousands of riders around the world!
How can SafeSport be allowed to end the career of a great man whose life has been dedicated to helping people?
How can SafeSport be allowed to accept unproven accusations made by two men with questionable motives?
There is something VERY fishy and VERY dishonest in all of this. Who is behind it?
Furthermore, SafeSport acted illegally when they banned George Morris. In America, a person is innocent until PROVEN guilty. Not only was George Morris not proven guilty, his accusers are not even believable!
George Morris should be un-banned and immediately reinstated.

^ Thanks for posting it.

The tone-deafness and the hubris…it’s remarkable


Thank you for posting this, maybe people will read this and realize exactly why we have needed SafeSport for so long. In my opinion, she is damaging our sport!


”¢ Is our sport safer because Jimmy Williams’ name was taken off the Hall of Fame after he had been dead for more than 20 years?
There are now more people aware of the decades of abuse that have existed in the sport, so yes, this is a good thing.
Ӣ Is our sport safer because Rob Gage killed himself?
There is one less predator preying on children, so yes. I wish he were living out his life, banned from the sport, and nowhere near any children, but his abuse has now stopped.
Ӣ Is our sport safer because George Morris is banned?
One less serial predator in our sport, again, yes.
Ӣ Do his accusers feel better about themselves now?
Unfortunately for those survivors that do eventually see some justice, nothing erases what happened and they are serving a life sentence of the emotional aftermath of being preyed on. Would you feel better if they stayed silent and allowed your idol, the predator, to continue abusing others?

These people make me physically sick.