People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Oh god, a packy memorial trophy?! Will the first recipient be bloody marilyn???


Once again Athletes For Equity in Sport and Diane Carney make the equestrian community look like idiots and herself like a fool.

@LexInVA I’m sorry to hear how deeply embedded you believe this culture is in the Equestrian world. At the same time, I am sad to say, I don’t doubt that it’s true. :mad:


I have to add, more seriously, that naming a memorial trophy after a man who has loudly and publicly defended not just horses running around with bloody mouths but also literal child rapists is again wildly tone deaf and more than a little bit evil.


One of the people on the suspended list is there because of their drunk driving/ substance abuse problem. You can’t be engaging in that behavior when you are teaching kids. :no:


Most of what I found is clearly substance abuse related, though I’d really say that all of it was, as there are a lot of speeding tickets [edit] he got caught multiple times without a license or driving with a suspended license or driving drunk/high and with drug-related items. Because of his age, there’s a lot of years where anything he did as a younger man would have been on paper records and not digitized, so I can’t say anything more conclusive about his personal conduct or what he may have been involved in, beyond speculating due to his personal ties to certain people. I cannot say with any certainty that he was a bad person, though I believe that nobody really knew him well enough to say that one way or another, but he was most certainly a flawed and broken one.


To be frank, it is a matter of public record that mere days after SafeSport was made official and was discreetly investigating GM and others, Packy began the liquidation of his assets - namely his farm and everything contained therein - and his passing also occurred mere days after the sale of his farm. Whether or not any of that is unfortunate coincidence or something more, is a matter of debate or personal opinion, but given that it is also a matter of public record that the family did not reveal the COD in his obituary, you will have to wait for a conclusive answer to settle that matter.


Thanks! That sounds like a great program. I have a special fondness for W&M. :slight_smile:

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@skydy - fair point regarding coaching minors and the other person on the list. I just wanted to approach the subject carefully, as there can be quite a range of conduct that can result in Criminal charges when it comes to people with substance abuse issues.

As a parent, there are some people I know in recovery who I would be willing to utilize as coaches… and some who just wouldn’t be my choice for my children, given our goals. It’s a personal decision, and different strokes for different folks.

@LexInVA - thanks for clarifying. The press release/article I saw somewhere said he died in his sleep. I’m not connected enough to know what is what, and if that was related to ongoing substance abuse challenges or an unrelated tragedy. It’s just really sad. From what you’ve shared though, there was certainly some sort of ongoing problem.


I felt this was an important point. Someone who has recovered from substance abuse issues shouldn’t be forever demonized and I’m glad it’s just a suspension with Safe Sport.

I saw the same press release you did and I am not/was not willing to speculate beyond that.


It’s true…


I know. It’s just so disappointing. :frowning:

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I have a lot of respect for those of you who have just put your necks out and spoken up on this most recent situation. I’m confident none of you would have done so if you didn’t know something that I personally don’t.

I’m really stunned by multiple facets of this, and having a bit of a challenge wrapping my head around this.


The very well known Eventing rider/teacher (whose name I can’t remember right now for the life of me) that gave up all his memberships in the wake of George Morris’ banning, seemed like an over reaction at the time. Then one starts wondering if it was a case of “quitting before you are fired” so to speak.

He continues to advertise and teach because he can. He can go to USEF events with students. He can give clinics and sell his online training program. He doesn’t compete so he doesn’t have to be a member.


But not Bernie Traurig? Cause that’s what Bernie did.

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I believe that Packy’s career was mostly spent as an anonymous corporate law drone at a now dismantled big firm. Outside of that, he was a complete nobody as a private practice lawyer, outside of some Gay advocacy and horse industry stuff that he did to keep his name out there.

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That’s the name. :yes:


This post just made me think of “Weekend at Bernies” and not in a good way.


His wife is 25 years or so younger than he is, right? I believe that she was 30 or so when they met and he was 55. Got murried quickly and made a business together.

@LexInVA I have no idea. I just remember reading his letter to USEF where he resigned his membership “in protest” of George Morris’ banning.

Happy to post that again

I have recently joined the group, I stand with George and want to share my thoughts with you. I had just left the memorial for my good friend, Rob Gage, who hung himself over Safe Sport allegations from 38 years ago, when I heard the news about another good friend, George Morris being put on the permanently banned list for, according to George, unsubstantiated allegations of misconduct 50 years ago.
There is an enormous outcry for reform of this seriously flawed system as can be viewed minute by minute on social networks. Perhaps if we all get behind George both morally and financially, we together with George can make a change in this system.
In the meantime, I have relinquished my memberships to USEF, USHJA, and CPHA. My reasons are reflected below in the letter I sent them.

July 11, 2019

To the United State Equestrian Federation & the United States Hunter/Jumper Association,

I have been a member in good standing with USEF and USHJA for a long, long time. I understand fully the position of both organizations under the umbrella of the Center for Safe Sport. I applaud the efforts of all to protect our children from sexual abuse as well as any other abuse associated with imbalances of power (as outlined in all the information in the mandatory Safe Sport video provided by our Federation).

I want the Center for Safe Sport to protect individuals from any manner of abuse. This is, of course, a necessity and a unifying concern of every sport. But in the rush to find a remedy, Congress enacted a seriously flawed statute and produced a seriously flawed system. Guilty until proven innocent!

The fact that any person can make an accusation upon someone and, if believed credible by Safe Sport, have their name immediately put on a temporary banned list by the Federation is life altering. This opens the door for anyone who may have a grudge for any reason, decades old or current, to seek their revenge. It can be a completely made up accusation and, if believed by Safe Sport, that person, without any defense, is ruined for life. That is so wrong! Who wants to be in that position? Unfortunately, most members have to maintain that vulnerable stance as they make their living at horse shows where membership is compulsory.

I personally do not operate a training stable, show or have clients that show. I do however make my living doing clinics and providing education via my training website.

Recently, in the wake of this politically charged atmosphere, I have pondered the decision whether to relinquish my memberships to USEF and USHJA as their affiliate. Being a member of our NGB and apparently USHJA, as per their most recent letter to members, puts me under the jurisdiction of Safe Sport. Let me be perfectly clear, I have committed no offenses of any kind, neither current or past, that would fall under the jurisdiction of Safe Sport. Having said that, the issue is, and this goes for all members, anyone can make a false accusation and I/we are not protected to defend ourselves by due process. Currently, our federation cannot protect us from false accusations. If an accusation is believed by Safe Sport, we go on that list immediately. As you know, there is a tremendous outcry to reform Safe Sport from many, many people and other organizations. I believe and hope that one day it will be reformed and can gain the support from all for the great cause it represents.

As I am in somewhat of a unique position because I do not show, I feel the best move I can make to protect myself and my family from this flawed system and any potential false accusations that could ruin me financially, is to relinquish my memberships immediately. Once, and if, Safe Sport is reformed to align with current Constitutional Law, I will promptly rejoin both organizations again. This is a very difficult personal decision for me to make and I understand the position that USEF and USHJA have to take on it, but I have to take steps to protect myself until there are changes and reform to the system that is in place. will proudly continue to be an educational service provider to the USHJA and I will personally continue all efforts to enhance education for our sport together with both associations. Please let this email serve as my immediate resignation from memberships to the USEF and USHJA.

Please acknowledge receipt of this e-mail and confirm that both memberships are canceled forthwith.


Bernie Traurig

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