People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

You certainly weren’t suggesting that the discussion had gone as far as it needed to go when people were making false accusations; only now that someone who actually knows the truth/ can close a few of the speculative gaps is offering truthful facts.
@LexInVA the fact that you are now questioning why his family posted what they did, when they did about his death really highlights just how morbid you really are. The timing had everything to do with announcing the date of his funeral service on March 20 in good time so that friends could make plans to attend. There were no autopsy results at that time. But there were documented calls to his physician on Tuesday. And hey- you’re a savvy sleuth. The phone number for Frederick Hospital is 240-566-3300. Maybe you can get more information from them about his visit on 3/10/20. Maybe Bird Mobberley, the student whose Wednesday lesson he cancelled will share her text from him, saying that he thought he was having a heart attack but the hospital said his EKG was negative and sent him home. You could do all that, or you can just keep on believing your self-fulfilling prophecy. I have nothing more to say here.


YES, Midge. All of this. I don’t know you, but thank you.


You are quite welcome. I don’t know you either, but I called out the speculation earlier and was told it was all facts, but wild ass guesses are not facts. There is zero reason for all this, but I figure Packy bested Lexin VA a time or two in real life and Lex holds a grudge. I mean, this would explain a lot.


Jennifer, I dropped off this thread long ago and just saw this. I am so sorry for your loss of a good friend. Thanks for setting the record straight. I think the insinuations about Packy should be taken down. @Moderator 1, please?


I’ve never met Packy before. I stated that earlier. I didn’t even know the guy existed until his Anti-SafeSport crusade came up in discussions here and nobody had really been talking about him on here, except occasionally in passing, until that happened. A lot of people went “Packy, who?!” at the time, because most people here didn’t know who he was without looking him up.

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You have never met him before, you refuse to identify yourself, yet you call me by the nickname that only people who have known me prior to 1988 know to call me? You are a true, psycho stalker. I hope now that Packy is dead, you have some time to get a life!! Oops! I said I was finished speaking here, didn’t I?

I doubt the moderators will take this stuff down. I have always been a fan of the Chronicle but never, ever these forums.


I said it was Packy’s farm because - by all accounts - he was the face of the business, with the training and horse trials, while his Mom has been retired. The posts here about Banbury Cross Farm refers to the farm as “his”, with no references about his Mom having much of anything to do with it. I didn’t realize that he was completely destitute and had not much of anything until I looked closer at his history of debt collection and court cases, because he had both a very expensive Georgetown address in DC and a farmette near Banbury Cross Farm, during the time he was employed at the law firm. Until I managed to find the tax rebate information where his Mom had gotten rebates for improvements, I assumed that he was the owner of the business and had de-facto control over the farm since the aborted sport horse business he had run in the early 2000’s was registered there, so I had no reason to believe that he wasn’t the owner of the farm before I found those. Technically, the Banbury Cross Farm business was never licensed or registered because it’s in an unincorporated locality, so it’s not like there’s a well-documented record of who owns what. The only businesses registered at the farm address are his Mom’s long defunct handicapped riding program, Packy’s aborted “The Event Horse” sport horse business that he opened and shut down very quickly, and a troubled government construction contractor that seems to be tied to a family member.

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You clearly are on a stress bender, so I will let your anger slide. I and everyone else am done discussing Packy’s life, death, and everything in between. Let his tragedy become a story to tell as a cautionary tale and as a reminder of hope that one can always try to be better in the end. If what I’ve said offended you, I’m sorry. I’ll leave it that.


Wow. I haven’t posted here in forever, though I do lurk quite a bit. But I have to say that this really disturbs me. I knew Packy, though not well. I’ve taken lessons from him and his mother in the past but they’re not really my style. I have many mutual friends with Packy and disagreed with him on many things. We had some serious arguments about stuff. But I find some of this discussion to be just awful. I know enough about Packy to say that he was very upfront about his drinking and that he had made mistakes. But he was also an incredible friend to “his” people. I know of some really wonderful things he did for friends that he didn’t talk about. I think he had his issues but also a really loyal following.

LexinVa you should be ashamed. You made up a bunch of stuff about Packy and you won’t back down. I do know his parents always owned the property and put it on the market without telling him. They had been planning it for a while. His mother has been teaching dressage from there fairly recently as I know people who ha e been riding with her. Packy trained from there but had no ownership.

Sometimes the business records you find online don’t tell the whole story. Packy was very private as is his family so no one’s been talking a great deal. If you don’t know the facts then just stay quiet. Or at least listen to someone who clearly knew him well.

Btw the COD was indeed a catastrophic heart attack. Have some decency.


I wouldnt say packy was private. He was a regular contributor to the chronicle and to these boards advocating against horse welfare restrictions in eventing, and more recently against child welfare restrictions in horse sport at large. Really, super not private about his feelings on bloody mouthed horses and forcible sodomy of minors.


I’ve been on this and other forums for many years and this is one of the nastiest things I’ve seen anyone post.


You might feel that way, but it is also true.


Um, no, it was actually disproven! What about the facts posted this morning did you miss??

No stress bender; no need to let anything slide. I can count on two hands the number of people who still call me “Jenny” and four of them are my parents & stepparents so the fact that you know this about me is slightly unnerving, bordering on downright terrifying. You make a lot of false assumptions based on what you’ve been able to dig up from public record, but not everything is public record. Then you overlook some really pertinent public record, like who owned the farm and what he died of. I’m not offended by what you say; I am just astonished, as was said elsewhere above, that you’ve been proven wrong and won’t admit it, revise it or back down.

Why again won’t you give your full, true name? From what are you hiding?


Well, the only one you can speak for is you. Yet you’ve said this twice now, but not before you got a few more digs in. Actions speak louder than words.


This thread has gone way far off from the original
reason it was started, which was to follow what was going on with a very vocal group of people who are very much against SafeSport, and lobbying to overturn the law.

That particular group has actively put out EXTENSIVE disinformation about Safe Sport on social media. This thread was a place to discuss the information they are putting out, ask questions, and try and share and weed through some of their statements.

At this point though, if it can’t get back on track, it should close.


@Virginia Horse Mom you started a real [edit] storm here & fueled the fire at every opportunity. And now you want to shut it down. By all means…mom up and shut it down!!! This is a garbage thread!!!

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Wow not really. She cannot control what people say. This was a thread about people who actively are trying to get rid of Safe Sport as it stands now.

I’m sorry you lost a friend. Virginia Horse Mom didn’t start a [edit] storm and like it or not we all deal with our friends and mentors being less than perfect. Lord knows I have a former mentor in prison right now who’s eligible for parole in 110 years.

Don’t blame the OP for comments made by others on a subject the Packy himself was very vocal about on here and else where. Don’t blame the OP for people not liking or respecting Packy because of it.

I understand your hurting right now but the OP didn’t want her thread to become what it is right now, nor can she control who posts and what gets posted.


To most of us,this thread is exactly about its title, not about deceased peoples real estate transactions.

Sexual abuse of minors has to stop. Safe Sport is the first step in the sports world and the equestrian world seems to be the sport that is kicking and screaming against it more than any other sport.

Why are people freaking out about a reasonable attempt to bring the horsey world into easily abided by guidelines that most professions already have in place? This is the discussion we were having.

To some of you it has become very personal.

If you have friends that are very anti Safe Sport, that have joined a public lobbying group against it , who want to financially support George Morris because he was their “friend” or “mentor”, and who support people that are bashing Anne Kursinski and all of the other victims that have been abused, I am surprised that you are here.

To correct speculation about his real estate transactions or his issues from the past? Why bash people that are having a rational discussion? You’ve gone after everyone on this thread? Have you read the whole thread or only the part where your friend was mentioned?

Perhaps you can join the anti Safe Sport group, or give some money to pay George’s rent as a memorial to your friend.

This is not a “garbage thread” and I’m sorry that you have lost a friend, I really am and I’m sorry that your friends real estate transactions came into discussion.

It is a difficult, hurtful, subject for many people. but Safe Sport needs to be discussed.


@skydy Quite frankly the storm started when a friend joined the conversation saying “can we get back to Packy for a minute?” Everyone else had moved on at that point.