People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Thanks for the info

I ask mainly to see how much venom can be spewed over a seemingly innocuous question -


Then the question was not in any way “seemingly innocuous”:… and merely trying to light more flames.


So once you admit you’re a troll, I encourage everyone to use their internal block and ignore the ensuing nonsense.


…and the expected comments have already appeared on the COTH post on FB: “it was one incident 40 years ago”…blah, blah, blah…


That’s because he said it was “an allegation of misconduct from 47 years ago” in the statement he released today.

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WRT Bob McDonald. Source(s) mentioned in an article in the OC Register claim multiple victims in multiple states with at least one being 14/u. There is no time line mentioned. Here’s a link but I can no longer see the article since I’ve apparently reached my limit. Hence my paraphrasing based on an earlier read.

The writer of the article, Scott Reid, is also on Twitter so that might be another way to get at it.


Copied and pasted from the website:

Robert McDonald, an internationally renown equestrian trainer formerly based in Orange County, was banned for life by the U.S. Center for SafeSport this week for sexual conduct involving minors.

The alleged sexual conduct with minors took place in more than one state and involves more than one claimant age 14 and under, according to a person familiar to the investigation.

McDonald, 73, who currently resides in Wellington, Florida and Hailey, Idaho, said Friday that he “categorically” denies the allegations and will appeal the ban in arbitration.

McDonald is the husband Debbie McDonald, an Olympic equestrian medalist and technical advisor to the U.S. national dressage team.

“The U.S. Center for SafeSport has issued a lifetime ban of hunter/jumper equestrian trainer Robert ‘Bob’ McDonald for violating the SafeSport Code,” U.S. Equestrian said in a statement. “With this decision, Mr. McDonald is permanently prohibited from participating, in any capacity, in any event, program, activity, or competition authorized by the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee, USEF, or any affiliates of USEF.”

“It is with great sadness that I have to release a statement such as this one, but as many of you already know, on June 10, the U.S. Center for SafeSport banned me from participating in the sport that has been my entire life over the last 50 years,” McDonald said in a statement to SCNG. “It is beyond heartbreaking to see the reputation that I have painstakingly built throughout my career be tarnished by an allegation of misconduct from 47 years ago. Even more gut-wrenching is watching my loved ones being dragged through this as well. It is a terrible reality that we are living in a time when allegations alone would lead to the imposition of such a harsh public sanction. Unfortunately, the system in place does not allow for individuals to be given the opportunity to effectively defend any of the allegations prior to a ban, which is why I have requested for an independent arbitration on the matter.
“It would be inappropriate of me to comment more other than to simply say that I categorically deny the allegations that have been made against me. Throughout my 50-plus year career in the sport, I have always acted in a professional and respectful manner towards all individuals that I have come in contact with, which is why I am shocked at the allegations that were made. While it is paramount for the sport to have a thoughtful and thorough avenue for our riders and trainers to address complaints and areas of concern, it is of equal importance that the process be fair and balanced. That certainly has not been the case here. I am looking forward to the opportunity to present the facts and a fair defense at an independent arbitration. I stand firm on the reputation I have built over half a century and am confident that I will be fully exonerated when the arbitration is complete.”

McDonald trained young riders out of the Orange County Fairgrounds in the 1970s and 80s and the Hillsview Saddle Club in Santa Ana during roughly the same period, according to a person familiar to the investigation.

McDonald is the tenth member of U.S. Equestrian to be banned, suspended, temporarily suspended or had restrictions placed on them by the U.S. Center for SafeSport since March 12.
McDonald also trained horses for legendary Las Vegas casino financier E. Parry Thomas at River Grove Farm in Idaho.


And now a lifetime ban for Steve Milne as well.


When is someone going to put an end to people continuing to conduct business where there are children involved? Isn’t this individual on the list? It specifically states on the website that “RCF is competitive in both the VHSA and USHJA horse shows”. There are plenty of pictures of him with young people on the site. How is he still getting kids into shows??:confused:


As has been said many times before, he stays away from the real competitions and sticks to the localized stuff that has no restrictions for him and his clients.

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I think this is the wrong place. Bob McDonald is located in Idaho not Virginia. Please don’t paint these people with a bad brush.


When is someone going to put an end to people continuing to conduct business where there are children involved? Isn’t this individual on the list? It specifically states on the website that “RCF is competitive in both the VHSA and USHJA horse shows”. There are plenty of pictures of him with young people on the site. How is he still getting kids into shows??:confused: "

Whom are you talking about ?


Are you talking about Tom Navarro? There was a woman on Facebook defending riding with him with her daughter because she got the “real” story from him and she’s always there so nothing will happen.

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Ah, well, that’s alright then. If parents can’t attend to their child personally they only need to provide a body guard.


Frankly I find it disgusting that anyone would knowingly bring their child around a convicted individual.


Well it was real and quite frankly appalling but there it is.


But how many parents know to check the Safesport list? Especially if they are new to horses. Hopefully someone will take them aside and give them the facts.


The person I’m speaking of is well aware of his conviction. She believes his version.

Parents have kids who participate in more than one sport. Safe Sport is not unique to horses. It seems that way because a certain faction creates the most vocal push back in our small sport.


That’s so messed up. How does a parent justify taking their child to ride with a
convicted sex offender? It says on his website that he aims to create a family friendly environment. So creepy.