People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Holy crap I missed that comment. What an offensive thing to say. Then again Atlas shrugged only appears in threads that point out the negative in the H/J industry. I mean we could flip the tables.


Did anyone notice in Missy Clarke’s opinion article about racism she quoted Jimmy Williams? Just reading “Between the Lines”.


And,just for the record, in case anyone is new here: RG had not “outgrown” his behavior as so many would like to believe. There are witnesses to recent extremely inappropriate commentary from him while judging a class about the young female juniors he was judging at the time. In addition, there exists photographic evidence of him having inappropriate contact with a 14 year old girl as recently as late 2017. Safesport has that evidence. RG is not an innocent victim of Safesport abuse. He chose to do what he did and the only person responsible for his suicide is him.


Another prominent Robert has been added to the SafeSport banned list for sexual abuse of a minor. Robert McDonald of River Grove Farm. He surprisingly also has some sort of tie to youth Hockey through his son.


Holy Cow!
I wonder how this will impact Debbies work and associations

I would say that the business is kaput, as is any future in developing talent, if it comes out that she had anything to do with his abuse. The passing of the farm’s owner and financier about four years ago was the first hit to the future of the business and this is definitely the one that will sink it entirely. Keep in mind that he may face criminal charges and prosecution, as SafeSport will inform the local authorities - and whatever authorities in other jurisdictions that would be tied into it - about his investigation and their findings. The only way for her to survive and keep what she’s got is to divorce him and keep him away from the farm and whatever interests she has.

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The property is listed for sale.


SS is for Olympic sports - not sure why it includes hunter members - Anyone?

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USOC —> SS —> NGB —> USEF —> all members



Yes, which is why many local former affiliates have left USEF- which is unfortunate

Why ask a question to which you know the answer? My students mostly seem to do it for two reasons: to impress others and bc they are insecure, with the latter happening more in lab.


As I have said multiple times, I fully welcome the creation of the horse doping kiddy raping hunter organization. I mean, according to you that could be achieved easily by just getting rid of grooms.

it’s hilarious that you can actually type out these words, that hunters aren’t Olympians so shouldnt be subject to rules regarding sexual assault and harassment. How do you people live in the world???


SS is for the protection of minors from sexual predators in organized sports. So yah, there’s your answer


Protecting horses a children (and others) is so terrible let’s turn away. Yup. Those local affiliates are exactly where I want to be.


Which ones?


You wouldnt know them, they go to a different school

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I see it was already posted. Wonder if this involves Hockey or Equestrian?


Y’know, just asking. Not like the Ted Stevens Act and its consequences hasn’t come up hundreds of times in the last 20 years on multiple topics. Not like it hasn’t been asked on this specific topic multiple times.

You may have also forgotten - it was after all pages ago - that the SafeSport standards if not the reporting and enforcement mechanisms, apply to all interstate youth sports, and that insurance companies are generally applying the same expectations to any sporting group that involves youth, even if they never cross state lines.




Most likely, Equestrian. The only ties he seems to have to Hockey are through his son Ryan, who played Youth Hockey in the 90’s and there’s no apparent involvement with the sport beyond that.