People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

In horse sport in the US people are happy to train with banned felons for decades, so vague safe sport allegations --even a ban-- don’t have the same impact as a criminal proceeding might impact some people.


I’m involved in a few other sports through my children. The equine world is the one putting up the biggest stink about Safe Sport (in the most pathetic and disgusting manner if you ask me). I think skating is coming in at a close 2nd. The sports my children are involved in - the coaches do their training and go about their business. The numerous pages I follow on Facebook and Twitter for these sports, there is not one argument that I have seen against the process and only promotion of Safe Sport from those in the organizations.


RIght? It’s like everyone else can agree that hurting kids is bad, Safe Sport is needed and changes should be done through proper channels, as opposed to what this group is doing, which is complaining about keeping kids safe, and moaning on social media how unfair it all is to adults to have to be responsible.


Safe Sport is certainly not an issue at WEC is it? Amazing how all that has just gone away !

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I have no idea what you are telling me. What is going on at WEC?

As @oreo_mom has been told many times, WEC is honoring SafeSport suspensions so unless they can point out a suspended member who is actively showing there I believe this is just stirring the pot. If there is a sanctioned member showing at WEC it should be brought to the attention of show management.


Schooling rules not being honored. Why would you think SS being honored? The stewards won’t be asked back if they make a fuss over anything. That’s common knowledge. I would agree that any objectionable comments from the ingate or judges booth will be quickly addressed.

Im showing at WEC and I’ve never seen so many schooling ring stewards at a show before. What rules are not being upheld?


The problem of stewards not making a fuss so that they’ll be rehired by show management is prevalent at USEF shows as well. That’s common knowledge. Same for judges.

I’m unclear what violations of SafeSport you believe are occurring.


James Prettyman of Pickwick Stables/Dedication Farm in Maryland, which also hosts an IEA team, has been added to the Safesport list for allegations of misconduct. Tony Sanchez of Petaluma, California has also been added to the list for allegations of misconduct. Carolyn Krome has been added to the Safesport suspension list for “Abuse of Process”, which appears to be connected to her hosting that GM clinic at her farm last year, and given a rather meaningless 1-month suspension from the end of Jan to Feb.


Note that Prettyman is not currently suspended but had been put under travel/lodging/coaching/contact restrictions of some kind.

I think the sanction for Krome tells us that they will pursue those who break the aiding and abetting clause. It’s a minor suspension but it will be interesting to see if they try and hold another GM clinic this year. Or if they do a better job keeping it under the radar. A second offense would likely receive more substantial punishment since it can’t be argued they didn’t know it was prohibited the second time around.


As soon as I read your quote I knew it was Navin.


Piers Lloyd-Owen has been added to the list, with a suspension for sexual misconduct. Most of you won’t have any idea of who he is, but he’s a minor fixture of Eventing in the Nor-East region and is often announcing or found at social gatherings.

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Iranian/US rider and California show Organizer Ali Nilforushan has been added to the Safesport list for allegations of misconduct.

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Prettyman’s current wife is divorcing him, as of the end of last year, and his previous wife and business partner, Heather, apparently divorced him due to domestic violence and had taken out a protective order against him.

Is the IEA following Safe Sport and the suspensions?

Yes - IEA and IHSA both adhere to SS requirements including suspensions.

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Thanks. I thought that was the case, but I wasn’t positive.

I wonder if this is an attempt to make the Bob McDonald case anonymous. I was surprised the McDonald case was not otherwise mentioned by AES.