People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Yes, and it will likely be bought by a developer, who will put in 8-12 McMansion estate homes for a few million a pop, easily recouping the purchase price and building costs with 2-3 home sales. I can’t see it staying open as an agricultural property, given the location and proximity to recent development and infrastructure.


Agreed. The hot real estate market is only accelerating the demise of rural properties in Loudoun.

Wow! I did not know so many people know Tom and Sarah personally. What incidents were you involved with them?

So to be clear you don’t know either of them personally and have not been involved with either of the incidents brought up on this forum? I’m just curious as to why I should blindly hold your opinion in high regard. I am a rider and have a daughter who rides so I want to be careful about who’s out there.


Check the Safe Sport banned list. The people listed will give you a start in knowing people to avoid. If you are a USEF member you must avoid them.


By avoid, do you mean never go to a show where they might be there? And is it true these things happened only 20 years ago?? So scary. How do I avoid them if I don’t know them? Also, how do I go about bullying a facility like Beverly so they will stop people from showing up like these miscreants? I’m so worried.

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Uh… why do I (or anyone else weighing in on this thread) need to know either of them personally, or be a former client of theirs to have an opinion?

Tom Navarro was convicted of third degree sodomy with a minor in the state of New York. That’s a matter of public record. Personally, as a rider snd a mother of a young rider, I find that sufficient information to form an opinion that he is NOT someone I want to use for coaching needs for myself or my child.

As for Sarah… she has a lengthy criminal record that anyone can look up. None of us need to know her personally in order to do that. Furthermore, though she is a lifetime USEF member, she is currently suspended, because she has failed to complete her SafeSport training. Perhaps that’s a simple oversight… but when you add in the fact that she decided to work for Tom, who is banned for life by USEF because of SafeSport and that conviction for sodomy with a minor… well… I take those two facts together, along with her lengthy criminal record, and I come to the conclusion that Sarah is not someone I want coaching my child either.

But by all means… if you want to ignore all the public glaring red flags about these two folks, and get to know them personally before forming an opinion… that’s your choice. From the tone of your post though… I suspect you know both of them and jumped on this thread to defend them. Feel free to deny it if that’s not the case… but that’s the impression I am getting.


So sodomy of a minor is ok if it happened 20 years ago? Nothing to worry about, and the convicted sex offender should resume coaching tween and teen females?

Who “bullied” Beverly exactly? Beverly is owned and operated by a USEF member… someone who has agreed to abide by SafeSport. Tom Navarro is banned for life by SafeSport. People noticed he was attending their schooling shows. He was asked to stop. And now, schooling shows at Beverly are free of people who are banned for life by SafeSport.


These don’t strike me as being the words of a concerned mother.

Have you taken the Safe Sport training? A little education goes a long way and seems warranted in this instance.


Call me crazy, but I’m pretty sure the new poster on this thread is a River Chase client who is upset that they can no longer attend Beverly shows…

Given that, my guess is they HAVEN’T taken SafeSport training. If they had, they would realize that t being a River Chase client, they are limiting themselves for the foreseeable future to unrecognized competition only, at facilities owned and operated by people who don’t mind having folks banned for life by SafeSport on their premises.


Ok. So are you not a River Chase client? Why the question about whether or not people personally know Tom and Sarah then, and why the comment about Beverly being “bullied?”


Are you?

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This thread is about Safe Sport and the need to keep young people safe from people who abuse children, as well as those that aid and abet people who abuse children. It has been a serious and thoughtful conversation.

A business local to some members here was made aware that a Safe Sport banned individual had been attending their shows. The business has done the right thing in banning that person from their facility. I consider that to be a good result and most people would agree.

As you can tell by the title of this thread, there are some people who are upset by the rules of Safe Sport and don’t seem to mind having a banned individual or a convicted sex offender teach their children. That is their choice, but they have no right to impose their views on the people who are glad of the protection that Safe Sport offers to children.

If you choose to give your business to a banned individual go right ahead but don’t expect people here to agree with you. You are free to try to “understand” a banned individual, but members of USEF won’t be joining you.

No one here is trying to “attack” anyone’s character. They are pointing out that a Safe Sport banned person is attending local.shows. I think most people have no desire to understand how Navarro got himself banned. He’s banned. That’s a matter of public record.


Oh please. Read the thread-you are making assumptions about people you don’t know. Why are you okay with that?


No one is making assumptions about Navarro. He’s banned. Period. There’s nothing to “assume”.


I think all of you who are bad mouthing someone who messed up 20 years ago suck. Is there a pattern of abuse since then? No? Then STFU and stop with the judging. I once thought the equine community supported each other, thank you for proving me wrong.

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I get it. You are upset that Safe Sport exists and think a banned person should have a second chance. With other people’s children.

No one is “judging” Navarro except for Safe Sport. People look at the banned list. USEF members have to know who is banned. There isn’t one thing that anyone on this BB can do to change the fact that he is banned.

You may think you know that Navarro hasn’t re-offended (or “messed up” as you put it) but he’d be very unlikely to tell you if he had, so you really are guessing.

The equine community is supporting each other, including its children, and it’s about time we put children first.


I am guessing this person is very, very young. Of course, I am presuming this person is very young because I don’t feel like they know or understand what sodomy of a minor means.


@skydy - thank you for clearly articulating what this thread is about.

Sad that someone doesn’t get it. But clearly they don’t.


How many rapes/sexual assaults are a sufficient pattern for you to feel someone should not have access to vulnerable minors?