People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Yes, the “kill the messenger” attitude coming right off the bat does make you wonder doesn’t it.
Though, in an earlier post a daughter was mentioned.


Yeah… I don’t support anyone with a conviction for sodomy of a minor if what they want to do is coach kids. I don’t care how long ago it was.

You know what else? Someone with a criminal record like that couldn’t coach in pretty much ANY organized youth league… because they run background checks. My husband has umpired our sons little league games, and assisted coaching when one of the kids did soccer years ago.

Guess what? Background checks.

I’m glad some of the equestrian community no longer considers it acceptable for convicted sex offenders to run kids lesson programs. I’m sad some folks still haven’t caught up, and choose to support sex offenders working with kids.

You clearly feel differently, and want to lash out at everyone who spoke up about Tom Navarro’s record…

A question for you? Do you defend sex offenders who coach kids in general, or is it just Tom you feel that everyone should make an exception for?


You want to know what sucks? A grown man who sodomizes a minor! Big deal that it was 20 years ago! Because you want to know who is still trying to live with what happened to him/her - the child who is now an adult and still living with the fact that 20 years ago a pervert stole their childhood. Did TN do it because he didn’t know it was wrong? No, he knew it was wrong and did it anyway! You call that “messing up”? I call that ruining an innocent child’s life!


I’m trying to imagine what type of person defends a convicted sex offender, one whose victim was a minor and whose crime was sodomy.

Never mind, I don’t want to know what type of person that is.


People who live in glass houses……
Such a lily white group I have never seen.

How unfortunate for you. I am quite used to knowing people who are not sex offenders and who believe sex offenders shouldn’t teach kids. No “glass house” here.


What? I feel pretty confident a large majority of us are not sex offenders and don’t knowingly send children to sex offenders.


That was a dig with no context. A cry for attention… “I know something but I won’t tell you what it is.” Manipulative as heck.


I took it as an assumption by oreo that everyone must be used to hanging out with sex offenders since oreo has “never seen” such a group of people that objects to them.


Whenever some people on these boards speak I hear in my head Inigo Montoya you keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means. Except in this case it is all words and all phrases.

I now just think that the new account is a dummy account for a dummy.


Or a house guest.


Are you implying that there are significant numbers of sex offenders on this bb?
How offensive.


I recognize that someone who might ride at RC and know TN might want to defend him, his organization and their choice to be there. Many newbies might not know his SS status, but these posters know. Sex offenders can be charming, and I’m sure TN has a whole story about what happened 20 years ago wasn’t his fault, or a big misunderstanding. However, 1) of course he’s not going to admit anything then or since, 2) taking the SS training helps educate you to see the signs of grooming, and 3) have you seen him make changes to avoid access to children? He continues to expand his child lesson program, host a summer camp, and worse, markets RC as a family focused atmosphere.

This is indefensible.

Lastly, for those that continue to associate with TN, be prepared to have to defend your decision to knowingly associate you (and/or your child) with a known sex offender and someone banned from SS. There are so many reputable stables in the area where SS is just not an issue - and you can go to whatever shows you want.


@ChestnutMare1 is on point! Some of the better known people on the SafeSport list were very well liked and charming, and also had excuses for their past… something along the lines of, “It was one teenaged girlfriend decades ago, back when I was younger and in my thirties, and it was the swinging 70’s out in SoCal… I shouldn’t be smeared and banned for life now”

Yeah. That excuse has been used. Refer to the long thread about RG.

Bottom line… it was thoroughly investigated, multiple people came forward, and it was NOT just a matter of 1 girl years ago.

Parents and adult ammy clients can believe Tom Navarro’s story if they want to, and take a chance, and support his business. But what if you all are wrong, and one or more of the tween/teenaged students currently riding at his farm ARE being manipulated and abused? Can you folks live with yourselves and your choice to support this guy and prop up his lesson business?

Personally, if I made a choice to support someone like that and found out later more kids had been abused… I wouldn’t be able to look myself in the mirror.


And what is with the bloody trolls getting their kicks out of antagonizing people discussing issues like protecting minor athletes from sexual abuse, or reforming an Olympic sport so horses don’t get abused anymore?!?

I seriously don’t get it.


When people have the attitude that sexual abuse of minors is in the realm of “messing up” :roll_eyes: it is clear that they either don’t understand the severity of child sexual abuse, or they don’t care about the damage that a child molester has inflicted on a young human being.

Education can help the former. Nothing can help the latter.


I think perhaps oreo mom hangs out with sex offenders and thus assumes everyone else does too. I feel fairly safe in stating that it’s an incorrect assumption on her part.


If you want to call it bullying, fine. But if it means protecting children from predators, I’ll be proud to be called a “bully.”


Wow. This sounds like it was written by a 15 year old. If you can’t understand that this banned individual should be avoided, nothing we say on here is going to change your mind.


Well, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life, so not a member of any “lily white group.” But I can assure you that none of my mistakes involved the sexual abuse of a minor which is, in case you didn’t know, a crime.