People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Neither do I. One would think that these issues are no-brainers. There is only one side to be on - the side that is against the people who abuse children and horses. These supporters refuse to acknowledge that in continuing to support the predators/abusers in our sport, they are ensuring that the behavior will continue. l have no idea how they sleep with themselves.


Child abuse is wrong. Animal abuse is wrong. Do either and I’m not interested in knowing you, supporting you or befriending you.

Defend either and the same applies.


There are a Google reviews for him that do state he was banned by SafeSport, and encourage people to research what that means…


Oh - and as an FYI… he fell off the Virginia sex offender registry in 2015 or 2016, and I believe came off the New York registry last year. But that’s because of the date of his original conviction. Anyone can do a background check on him and find out that he was convicted for 3rd degree sodomy in New York, and it involved a minor.

Just be careful if you leave a Google review about what you say… technicalities are something he has engaged in lawsuits over before. He was part of a group who sued last fall about their SafeSport bans, trying to get the bans overturned on procedural technicalities with USEF. Their lawsuit failed. But it’s wise to be aware.

Bottom line, the entire point of the list on USEF concerning SafeSport bans, and the SafeSport database itself, is to make sure there is readily available information for parents concerning people who pose a known risk to minor athletes. I have no CLUE why anyone with a child involved in any sport would ignore these lists. ESPECIALLY in an area like Northern Virginia. There are so many lesson programs, as well as excellent independent coaches available to choose from in this area if you have a child who wants to learn to ride. Programs run by reputable people, people who DON’T have criminal records.

I just don’t get it. If he was George Morris, and the clients all were serious competitors… I would sort of, kind of, maybe understand just a little that there was some desire on the part of a few to continue using this guy as a coach, despite the SafeSport ban. But he’s just one of many local people with a lesson program. He’s the only local person on the SafeSport banned list though.




USEF members must abide by the Safe Sport rules. Those that have not kept up on their obligation to renew their Safe Sport training are suspended and not able to compete, but they still must abide by the rules.


Try to be on the right side of protecting children from sexual predators. Not that hard when you think about it,really. :thinking:


Then advocate to change the rules and close those loopholes. I don’t really see why horse people can’t be as responsible enough to protect children the best we can. Throwing up your hands and doing nothing is illogical. It’s like not getting any lifeboats lowered because you can’t save every passenger on the ship.


There is no over arching regulation of trainers in North America. You don’t need any certification license or oversight to be a trainer. It’s just all small business self employed buyer beware territory.

SS and USEF have no jurisdiction over anyone who doesn’t care if they aren’t a USEF member. The most they can do is ban someone from membership, a big blow to a serious trainer or competitor but fairly irrelevant to someone at the lower end. Which is where most children start in beginner lessons.

Sex offenders do get conditions put on their release or parole that can include not working with children. But I’m not sure how effectively these bans follow you from state to state.

Most other kids sports are done under the umbrella of a league or community center or club or school, where instructors are hired and background checks can be done.


This is true.

Here’s a perspective though. I have 2 kids, and both have done youth sports other than riding. Not seriously… all local leagues, for mostly very young kids. Sooooo… the equivalent of beginner lesson barns. But guess what? Background checks were required for these sports, across the board. With Little league (baseball) in particular, it was quite strict.

Having seen what other sports consider a best practice made me pay more attention to what was going on with riding instruction, once my daughter got past the stage of me leading her around on my own horse :slight_smile: I think a lot of other parents of just starting out kids are a tiny bit more savvy, in this day and age, than people realize. Simple Google searches are easy. As is checking the local sex offender list. And every mom I know has looked at their local sex offender registry at some point or other.

I will add… one of the first people I heard about Tom Navarro from had discovered his history pre-SafeSport… because he used to be on the Virginia sex offender registry. And she checked that for unrelated reasons, and noticed his name on it, and then promptly informed all her horsey friends with kids who were getting started riding about his status.

Anyway… I share this to say that I am a bit less concerned about loopholes and an imperfect system. No system will ever be perfect. But sex offender lists and SafeSport lists are really helpful tools, and most parents I know do take note of these tools, and make choices accordingly. I don’t do recognized shows right now, nor does my kid, but that doesn’t mean I have zero opinion on taking lessons with a coach banned by USEF. Not at all. It’s simply all too easy to look at the list and say to myself, “Oh. That person is banned for life. I definitely won’t be riding with them!”


New posting on FB. Wulfcrest Stables is now at the property where AAES was. The owner is listed as Luis Cortes, who is Tom Navarro’s long time barn manager.


Google produces this:

Is this a different Wulf Crest?

If you click on the address of the business owner, there are 248 businesses tied to him. I think he’s a business attorney that helps set up small businesses.

That does appear to be the new LLC created for Wulf Crest.

It’s the same company.

They are up on Facebook, and have a post announcing their grand opening on September 1st. Interestingly, both Tom has ‘liked’ the post announcing the grand opening.

Any news on if/when River Chase is closing?


I had heard that Tom Navarro and Luis Cortes plan to operate both concurrently.


Agreed. This is clearly an end run around the bad PR from the SafeSport ban.

Did you ever get a response from the Loudoun Times Mirror?

I think the Loudoun Times Mirror really needs to address this issue. Even though it could be embarrassing for them, it will look worse if they are shown to have been informed about Tom Navarro’s Safe Sport ban, yet did nothing.


Leah is not Tom’s wife, which you would know if you knew anything about Riverchase and the family there other than what you’re finding online. To me it appears that you don’t know anything about Riverchase or the way it is run and are badmouthing good trainers (like Sarah) because you have nothing better to do. There has not been another incident with Tom at Riverchase and by inserting yourself into his business with other companies, you are also ruining the chance of riders at Riverchase to enjoy competing at shows like Beverly. People can change over the course of 20 years and Tom has many satisfied customers - most of whom have kids ride there!

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I’m sorry you are upset by this thread.

Are you familiar with SafeSport, and why it came about? Are you familiar with rules concerning USEF members being prohibited from aiding and abetting banned individuals from participating in sport?

Are you arguing that people should look the other way, and just be quiet if they take note of multiple people ignoring SafeSport bans?


How do you know that there has not been “another ‘incident’ with Tom”? Do you think he would tell you if he molested another minor?

No one is “ruining the the chance of riders at Riverchase to enjoy competing at shows like Beverly” but Tom Navarro, who got himself banned, and the parents who find no problem with having their kids train with a sex offender who is banned by Safe Sport.

When you choose a trainer for your kids that is banned you will come up against the Safe Sport regulations that restrict his activities and theirs in turn. If parents choose to have Navarro train their kids, they should be aware that he is banned and that the ban will limit where their kids can show.

I can’t get over people whinging that a banned trainer is not allowed to participate in shows. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


@kadamson I have a difficult time understanding your willingness to expose children to a person who has criminally, sexually, assaulted a minor.

I’m sure I am not alone in being eternally grateful that my parents never knowingly put me at such risk that the parents of children involved with Tom Navarro seem to be comfortable with… It’s bad enough that there are creeps that no one knows about.

When you know that someone is capable of what Navarro has done, don’t you owe it to your children to keep them away? How can you put your sympathy towards Tom Navarro above a child’s right to be unmolested? It’s horrible enough that sexual abuse happens. That a parent would actually allow their child to be coached by a person banned for sexual abuse of a minor?
How can any parent who makes that choice ever forgive themselves if they guessed wrong, and the offender that they are so sympathetic to has molested their child. Of course, kids don’t always tell, and child molesters are good at keeping them quiet.

I would never forgive that choice if my parents, when I was a child, made a decision to have my teacher be a man who was banned for sexual abuse of a minor. Predatory people are very good at hiding their abuse of children. Why on earth would you risk your child’s health and future?

When a man who is a convicted sex offender and is banned by Safe Sport, you will bet your child’s future on his reformation? I’m glad I’m not your child.

Mr. Navarro deserves to make a living, but only one that does not include teaching minors.