People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Thanks for the background info.

I have no clue what the SafeSport complaint involved is… but the specific penalties handed out in this case are notably limited in scope, and quite different than those handed out in other cases… and it seems important to be fair on this thread, and to take note of that.

I can’t imagine the stress involved in evacuating horses for wildfires… I’ve had to help evacuate 3 horses from a small personal farm in Florida due to a hurricane, but that was years ago. Still… it was awful. Fortunately… the hurricane changed course at the last minute, damage wasn’t bad at all, and we returned home after only two days away. If I had to evacuate multiple horses multiple years in a row, because of recurrent natural disaster risks ? I’d totally sell my farm. Especially if the underlying value of the real estate was significant.


Sounds like that hurricane was Charley. my farm was right in the original path, I was so relieved when it made the turn, but so, so sad for all those in the new path.

Spoke to my vet after and he said he went out kissed all his horses good-bye and loaded up his truck with euthanasia drugs. I still get choked up when I think about that hurricane.


How awful. Did your vet’s horses make it through OK? I’ve had to evacuate my horses twice and the house once for wildfires. I’ve also helped with horse evacuations for other fires when my own barns were not involved. It’s absolutely frightening - like a picture of what Hell looks like.


The equine community needs to stop supporting anyone that has ever raped a child. What part of allowing rapists to continue in our sport doesn’t suck?

The only thing that matters is that he satisfied himself with a minor and you apparently approve of adults raping kids. You’re willing to financially support him, and then have him spend time with children. Sorry, but pedophile enablers are about as disgusting as the pedos are.


Fires, frightening. Yes the vet’s horses and all in my area, West Central Florida (outside of Tampa) were spared. 2004 was a bad hurricane year here, 4 in the space of a few weeks. 3 travelled right up the spine of the state causing terrible destruction. The very last one, Jeanne, pulled part of the roof off my barn, but all horses, me, the cats, and the dogs were OK.


You really should be asking why those on the safe sport banned list are not in jail.


2004 was an INSANE hurricane year in Florida. I do not miss that specific stress of Florida life. I will try and remember this post when winter hits here in Virginia, and the clay turns to cold, endless mud… and I start hating life. That’s the time of year I routinely have fond memories of Florida, and it’s sandy soil.

But man… hurricane season. No thanks. BTDT. I’ll deal with the cold mud. :woozy_face:


Truth. People are making these excuses for Tom because his case was years ago…

What they are failing to acknowledge is that he was CONVICTED CRIMINALLY.

When it comes to cases of sexual abuse/sexual assault of minors and women… actual criminal convictions are statistically WOEFULLY rare.

So when one happens? You better believe there was compelling evidence.

All these people minimizing Tom’s criminal record, complaining about his lifetime ban by SafeSport, and declaring that those of us speaking up on this thread should just let it go, shut up, and allow him to freely coach local kids and attend local shows, and stop interfering?

Well… I hope these folks never personally experience what it is like to be a victim of sexual abuse or sexual assault… or have someone you love experience it… because then and only then will you folks realize just how very many callous, self centered, immoral and unethical people exist in our society… people who will push victims to be quiet and let this stuff go, because it’s all so inconvenient and ugly, and the perpetrator seems like a ‘nice guy,’ or a ‘reformed guy,’ etc etc etc.

I sincerely hope all these apologists never experience the other side of these situations… where either you, or a loved one has gone through something that shakes you to your soul… and then a bunch of people all line up and apply pressure to just be quiet about it, and let it go.

It’s a uniquely miserable experience. And definitely part of the reason so many abuse and assault cases never result in convictions. Not because of a lack of evidence of a crime… but because society treats victims like garbage, more often than not.


Senate hearing today. Worth keeping an eye on
These women Are Strong in continuing and persisting to hold a spotlight on abuse in all sport


I’ve been watching it. The poise of those young women is astounding.


This is not going to be good for the FBI. There was some dirty dealing and bribery going on, with promises of “Make this go sideways and I’ll get you a six-figure do-nothing job!”. The level of corruption and criminal behaviour at the NGB and the mysterious “affiliate” organizations is as bad as it gets.


McKayla’s testimony re the FBI is uneffing horrific.

Simones testimony.

This woman has been in the spotlight for most of her life. She has won everything, she was scrutinized and excoriated this summer. She can still barely talk about what happened to her without choking.

Still she persisted.


Safe Sport isn’t looking too good either.

To be fair, their experience with SafeSport is relatively ancient and much has been improved, but the group has a never-ending amount of complaints to investigate and is resource-starved, in cash and man-power. In addition to that, they must defer to Law Enforcement at all times and have restrictions on what they can say to anyone who reports or is involved in an investigation, so the apparent ball-dropping and lack of communication is not surprising and will continue to happen, as long as that absolute deference is required.

In the case of Gymnastics and it’s organizations, we know that there is a lot of money and power connected to what went on and the people connected to that wielded a lot of influence both inside the organization and outside of it, including social-political connections that would allow any investigations to be sabotaged or deflected at all levels, including the Federal mandated ones from SafeSport. If it wasn’t for the public outrage and exposure from “those meddling kids” who were abused by Dr. Larry and others, the people running Gymnastics would have gotten away with it all and continued to do as they pleased.


The FBI and US Gymnastics deserve every bit of scorn and disdain going their way. They completely failed these young women and caused lasting harm to their mental health. These young women are incredible and have persevered through unimaginable torture, both physical with the abuse and now mental with the ongoing investigations.

Our sport is not much better and needs to have to shroud pulled off and the issues cleaned up for once and for all. While we didn’t have Nassar, we have a long list of issues that have created lasting effects in some people’s lives. Just because we can say we didn’t support one person abusing young women doesn’t make us squeaky clean. Abuse is abuse and should not be present in any sport. And that goes for animal abuse as well.


Column in the Chronicle about the Safe Sport process from the mom of the rider in the Rich Fellers case.


I was thrilled when COTH asked me to write that article. I really hope that it reaches a lot of people in many helpful ways.


Carrie - Many thanks to you and your brave daughter. :kissing_heart:


Thank you very, very much for sharing your experience. Best wishes to you and your daughter and family.