People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

He has large R judge that gives clinics for him…one that is still quite active ( I still have a hard time thinking she did not know he was Safe Sport banned when she proudly put up a picture of herself with him and the students on social media)


I hope USEF has been sent a screen shot.


The horse world has similar blinders when it comes to commenting on the abuse by famous riders upon their horses.


Just post the name.


USEF likes proof. IE screen shots.

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It seems like USEF might need to put together specific guidance for barn owners, show managers, clinicians, etc, regarding the ins and outs of the whole ‘aiding and abetting’ aspect of SafeSport.

If sure seems like there is a lot of messiness involved in actually knowing where the limits are with respect to SafeSport bans and associating with banned people even in a limited way… most especially because MANY of the lifetime banned people have decided not to leave the sport and industry… and they seem to very much want to push the envelope, so to speak.


Agreed. This Wulf Crest Stables thing is super shady. They have FB and Instagram accounts, but answer questions only via PM. I can find no website. There’s very few details, including who their trainers are. Their Instagram stories appear to show a group lesson today, so I’m assuming they have boarders and students from the now defunct AAES.

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New website is up:

Identical format to River Chase website.

As another poster commented, this new facility looks MUCH nicer than RCF.

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No names at all on the website. Interesting. :thinking:

It may be a typo, but if you look at the FB page for Luis Alberto Cortez Lopez, it says he **Studied Pornography at Universidad de Guadalajara. Sort of like two peas in a pod.


I can only assume that they realized people took note of who specifically chose to work with the RCF program owner… who is banned for life by SafeSport because of a criminal record involving a minor. So this time, they are all being careful to hide the names of various folks who are choosing to work for/with Navarro.

Oh well. On and on it will go. I’m sure we will see advertisements for camps and lessons in all the local Facebook groups shortly, and this new place will have a noisy push to get that ‘Best of Loudoun’ designation this year.

Hopefully local farm owners and managers will recognize TN if he continues to try and attend local shows with a number of minor students. And hopefully they will politely request that he leaves the property. Because the rest of the community, by and large, would prefer to just avoid seeing this guy when out and about. Not because any of us are trying to be hostile to RCF riders… we just aren’t comfortable with seeing a known sex offender coaching kids at shows. It’s unsettling, and makes normal people feel anxious, and sucks the fun out of attending shows.

Hopefully locals will pipe up to friends to be careful to actually find out the name of the person teaching your kids at either facility, etc f folks seriously still want to take their kids to either place for lessons.

Holy cow… you are right about this! He advertised the new farm on Virginia Horse Network… and his public profile does say he studied pornography :rofl:

I have never heard anything negative about this guy. Just that he is a longtime associate of TN, and the facility manager at River Chase.

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I guess I just don’t understand why anyone would want a convicted sex offender teaching their children. It is a pretty easy decision to make, I would think. People amaze me at times and other times make me sick to my stomach. :frowning_face:


Is he saying he studied porn to be facetious or as a cover and excuse to offset what he believes was a wrongful conviction? As in “I wasn’t looking at kiddie porn to get off, I was looking at it to study the history of porn” kind of thing.

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This is a different person than the guy who was banned by SafeSport. The guy with the criminal record who has been banned by SafeSport is the other guy’s longtime boss.

I think it’s a reasonable assumption that the whole ‘I studied pornography at the University in Guadalajara’ profile point is a typo that he hasn’t noticed and corrected yet. :rofl::woman_shrugging: But it’s a REALLY unfortunate typo given that he is a longtime employee of a sex offender…


They only cannot attend if Navarro attends as their trainer correct?
They are free to attend without him?

That is correct.

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Charles White, of Diamond Mountain Stables in Napa Valley, has just been added to the Safesport list for allegations of abuse. Coincidentally, the ranch where the business has been since the early 80’s was discreetly put up for sale back in March. Charles’ partner, who owns the property, announced the closure of the business several weeks ago in the local media, stating that continuous wildfires and the resulting difficulties were forcing them to shut down and relocate, shortly before the property was taken off the market in early August. Nothing was ever said on the stable’s social media, so they have apparently been keeping things to themselves, while pretending that things were normal this year.


It looks like he is in the Center’s database, but not on USEF’s list. The information in the Center’s databases is as follows:


Allegations of Misconduct Action Taken

Temporary Restriction(s) Additional Detail

No Contact Directive(s), Travel / Lodging Restriction(s), No Unsupervised Coaching / Training, Contact / Communication Limitation(s) Date of Issuance


Sooooo… hard to know what to make of that just yet. Definitely not the same level of restriction as many others on the SS lists though. It also seems like his longtime partner should be able to continue competing, and the business should be able to operate, so long as White abides by the specific restrictions related to this case.

I’d imagine there is a significant wildfire risk to their primary location near Napa… and a temptation to just cash out entirely in the current real estate market, and be done with that stress. It does seem entirely feasible for them operate a training, lesson and sales business elsewhere, out of a less risky facility. Maybe it has something to do with SS investigations… or maybe it really is a wildfire issue.

Between the wild fires, the water supply concerns in parts of California, availability of good pasture and affordable hay, etc… I can’t imagine how challenging it is to operate a horse farm in certain parts of the American west… on a small or large scale.

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Macella has to evac almost every year. She has a place in So Cal and they move the horses to Coachella. A few years ago she lost her property in Middleton to fire. Last year’s Calistoga fire was literally in her front yard and threatened the town itself. Chuck has provided the feed and bedding at shows for decades, a good gig. I have no idea of his misconduct but I do wish Macella well in her semi-retirement.