People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Geeze I missed that. Are there any famous male jumpers of that era left who are without blemish?

Can we get a good guy registry?


Ah ok. Its Bernie’s son. Not Bernie himself. But still… .

This article about GM’s Safe Sport ban has many quotes from Bernie Traurig on the subject. He must be rather unhappy that his son is under scrutiny.


It’s the largest discipline, but also it’s probably got the most overlap as an entry/junior discipline with USEF recognition, with a very large and active junior division. H/J has the biggest tradition of lesson barns, while for most of the other disciplines they might have a horse or two they can use for lessons but you’d generally have to own a horse and participants are mostly adults. Western barns with lesson strings and junior programs are maybe more likely to have breed affiliation to say AQHA instead of USEF.

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Just saw a post on Facebook that wulfcrest will have winter horse shows… Sarah Willson Kressler posted it on the Middleburg uncensored page.

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And Wulfcrest will have an IEA team per their Facebook page. Tom can not be on the grounds during the IEA team rides/lessons or shows. And he can not be a coach. This is per IEA rules.

And the Michael Traurig interim suspension… reaction is still quite muted. And I’m surprised that COTH didn’t announce it. Bernie was VERY outspoken when Rob Gage was banned and subsequently took his own life. Now Bernie’s son is accused and under investigation? And KMSFH is the only person really talking about it?

As far as the extent of these issues in the HJ community… it’s noteworthy. And sad.


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They took their post down about the IEA team But I took a screen shot of it before they did!


I’m pretty sure Sarah’s criminal convictions make her ineligible to participate in IEA and she certainly needs to be on the Safesport registry for providing alcohol to a minor and other eligible offenses, not to mention whatever she may have committed when she was living elsewhere, before moving back to Virginia.


She did finally complete the safesport training according to her usef record.

Let’s see how she gets past her distinguished record of personal accomplishments within the state judicial system…


Oh… wow.


Yup. That’s just what is on the record in Virginia and it speaks for itself.


Unless someone has reported her, USEF isn’t going to take any action. As I understand it she was only inactive since her training wasn’t completed. Once she completed it an automated process probably just updated her status.

If you have evidence (websites, screenshots, etc) that she’s aiding and abetting a banned member I suggest you report through USEF and/or SafeSport’s sites.


That’s good. Hopefully something comes of it. I know in the case of the one aiding and abetting penalty to date it took several months before the suspension happened.


To me, SW is the exact scenario the aiding and abetting provision was created for. She’s an assistant trainer at a program run by someone who has been banned for life by SafeSport. She’s taken SafeSport training… she knows the rules. She knows he’s banned for life.


Now THAT is one impressive rap sheet. I’ve seen longer when I worked in Criminal Court but this would have made top 5 for certain.


This should be sent to usef, safesport and iea!!!


I spent 6 months many years ago working on a project involving port security, local longshoremen, and statutory criminal background check requirements. I reviewed FBI background checks for thousands of port workers, and entered them into a huge database. This lady’s background? Reminds me of that project. Yet she’s not a dock worker. Nope. She coaches children … :woman_facepalming: