People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Safe Sport needs the information. USEF can suspend her for a few months but it will take Safe Sport to keep her away from children.

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Holy moly!

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Correcting myself after having looked at the Safe Sport reporting section on the USEF site. This has to be reported to USEF since it doesn’t involve sexual abuse.

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The charges of Assault and Selling Alcohol To A Minor are relevant to SafeSport and will get her sanctioned, especially when taken into context and weighed with her many other charges and there may be a pile of other charges in other states, such as Georgia, where her ex-Husband Jeff, whom she shares many theft charges with, is from.


So Sarah has a record a mile long… then there is Tom… and don’t forget Louis who had his Facebook page showing he studied pornography. (He has since changed his Facebook page to reflect differently.)

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Right. And these people are EXPANDING their businesses, expanding their access to children. And through hosting camps and shows, and trying to participate in IEA, having access to even more children… in spite of USEF and SS controls.

Check out and Wulf Crest and River Chase social media and websites and see how much they are marketing to children. It’s awful.



I have been so jaded about “professionals”
in horse sports. This is why. Anyone can be a horse pro. Takes zero qualifications and apparently there is no code of ethics.


Apparently you’re unfamiliar with the millennia old warnings against horse traders. Seriously xenophon writes about horse trainers. This isn’t an American problem. Dirtbags are endemic in the horse industry, cuz pretty girls, and frequently pretty girls with money like horses. Or ugly poor girls, or pretty young boys. Gross predators know no nationality or really Target demographic.


What did he change it to?

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I’m not sure if you were replying to me specifically. I just got a notification.

I am aware. Doesn’t stop me from wanting it to be different. I guess hope springs eternal

I would guess that TPTB in USEF are mandatory reporters so would be obligated to contact Safe Sport. I do know they require some proof, and that screen shots are acceptable.

The Wulf Crest property owner would probably have to be interviewed to determine if Navarro is currently a resident?

@Virginia_Horse_Mom is Navarro’s involvement and the trainer’s criminal record fairly common knowledge in the area?

@LexInVA is there any sleuthing that you can do that would connect him with the Wulf Crest address?

Interesting that Athletes for Equity in Sport is a “related page” on what I can see of the Wulf Crest Facebook page. Who chooses the “related pages” on Facebook, the page owner or the people from the “related pages”?

I think it’s the facebook algorithm, probably because Navarro has been mentioned by AES. I get friend suggestions and page suggestions based on what my friends interact with.

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So would the other farms and businesses listed know that they are on that page?

No. There’s no way to know you’re a friend suggestion for a friend of a friend or visitor to a page you’ve interacted with. Just a behind the scenes facebook thing that suggests other things you might like.

One more good reason not to be on facebook. I wouldn’t want my name on that page, making it seem as if I was in any way associated with them.


Yes and yes. But I think many people are only vaguely aware that she has a sketchy past… and not at all aware of how EXTENSIVE it is.

Funny you should ask… his Facebook profile now says that he got a “Doctorado en no hacer nada” at Universidad de Guadalajara

A PhD in doing nothing. :rofl: I guess it’s an improvement upon the way it read earlier… how odd though.