People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

^^^^ I don’t know that they were better then, they were just the majority.

I don’t think there’s anything that could be said by anyone. If people need to be told defending child predators and aligning themselves with convicted child molesters is not a good look, they probably are a lost cause.

I am fascinated by the fact that they want a case to go to the appellate courts and SCOTUS to change the law, but no one in the group will challenge it. I guess they are waiting for one of their cheerleaders to fall on that sword?


Seriously, just because I don’t think it’s cool for you to follow a woman so closely and obsessively that you now are aware when she is blocking posts or not doesn’t mean that I associate with her, and I thought I had also made that clear. This is not a black/white thing. This is a right/wrong thing.

i honestly STILL think it’s weird that you continue to “police” her via COTH. If you truly think she is doing things that violate SS or think like others on here that she should be disbarred, then by all means report her through appropriate channels, not social channels. This is honestly getting petty. It’s like you have a full time job following this woman.

I see what you did there by not quoting her, but you did paraphrase her. So you are making the point again that you are following this woman closely enough to share what she’s saying or retracting. I mean, don’t you see how obsessively weird this is getting? I don’t even follow my own friends or family this closely.

I get the impression from you that people either agree with you and are right or disagree and are wrong, and there is no middle ground. The idea that I disagree with you on this behavior and that I am, therefore, I’m in her camp is absolutely incorrect. The divisiveness of our community is out of control because of black/white thinking like this.


Well, Bonnie is the self appointed voice of all things anti Safe Sport so it’s fair to say that looking at her profile to see what she is saying about it is not stalking, it’s keeping informed.


I’ve seen VHM ask questions, listen and change her views on these forums so I wouldn’t agree with you that she only sees things in black and white. As far as watching what BN says, posts or does, it’s a free country and BN has very purposely put herself in the spotlight. I do agree that if BN has done anything that violates professional ethics or laws, she should be reported to the appropriate authorities. Personally, I don’t have the time to follow BN or the expertise to know when a line has been crossed. To each his (or her😉) own.


And to be clear, I posted about the exact same post VHM did. Because the person to whom many look for expertise in this area was being at the very best, disingenuous and at worst, lying.


Yeah Bonnie put herself in the middle. This is what happens. People look on social media to keep abreast of what untruths she is peddling.

If you haven’t noticed @atl_hunter there is a campaign to spread fear and misinformation about Safe Sport and Bonnie is very much a mouth piece for that campaign.


I posted about this as well but was more concerned about DC chiming in on the post to add to the smearing of Mr. Henry.


She is a piece of work, for sure.


First off, I am actually not a black or white sort of thinker.

Second off, I do not routinely follow all things BN.

As as others have said… she has put herself SQUARELY in the midst of all things Safe Sport.

I do follow Safe Sport news pretty closely. Like many others, I have been shocked and dismayed to see how horse sport has been reacting over the last few months to the RG and GM cases.

I tried to get a better understanding of WHY there was this crazy reaction online. Intense support for these two men in particular, and a growing chorus of people talking about how Safe Sport needed Reform.

And the more I read, the more it seemed pretty clear that a few key voices were leading a campaign. Or trying to lead a campaign.

So the question I asked is… why?

Many of the key influential voices are from another era, and were close friends or students of banned people. When I first started following Safe sport news, I was sympathetic to some of those folks. It must be a shocking and sad thing to read some of the articles that have come out. HOWEVER, as time has gone on and the ISWG group has gotten more organized and decided to collect donations, and try and rally folks and wants Safe Sport “reformed”

I’ve lost sympathy.

One voice who has bern a consistent odd ball in the mix though, is Bonnie Navin.

She presents her expertise as a lawyer over and over, and in particular, with respect to RG. As his lawyer.

Her statements online and behavior simply do not come off to me as even close to the professional norm of how lawyers conduct themselves when they have clients caught up in something as sad as these Safe Sport issues. Additionally, RG took his own life. That’s not to say it was Navin’s fault in any way. But her behavior online in the immediate aftermath was really odd, in my opinion. Odd for a lawyer. Maybe more explicable for a grieving friend.

BN has somehow turned the whole matter into a crusade of some kind, and is now closely tied to folks who are all seeing a need for Safe Sport Reform. I find it a bit alarming, and decided to point out what I see that I think is alarming on these boards. Guess what? Other folks agree. BNs statements and behavior are OUT THERE.

If I had direct personal knowledge of an ethical issue with her, or was a client of hers who had my privacy violated and documents related to my case shared online without my permission… you bet I would report it. But I’m not. I am simply a person off to the side making a concerted effort to say, “Anyone else seeing this? Head’s up. That’s a bit alarming.”

I’m hoping many other folks who have been all over the “Safe Sport needs to be Overhauled” movement pause for a moment. And think about a few things. And decide if the way they are going about matters on social media and cheering on BN is REALLY a good idea. For them. If their points about Overhaul are legit and they believe in them… I’m pretty sure BN does more harm than good to their cause.


(I think some people don’t understand what social media is)


if BN posted it publicly on facebook for the world to see then its not stalking or following a person in a creepy way. She put it out there; and guess what- there are plenty of people online waiting to see what the clowns continue to make of this circus and BN just so happened to continue to make her personal opinions known publicly, online, for all to read. Regardless if you agree with her or not.


Bonnie is the self-appointed ring leader of this clown show.


…and she keeps posting while sitting at her keyboard with the proverbial bucket of chum. Cast it upon the waters and wait for the big fi$h. Sorry in advance for the mixed metaphors 😎


Any attention is good attention to some.

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I can’t read it. Too small. Oh well. There is likely nothing but nonsense.

I just can’t get over how difficult some people find the Safe Sport rules and concept.
It’s not that hard. If you don’t understand, there is plenty of information on the website. It does take a certain amount of reading comprehension and now there will be a simplified version.

Honestly, this is a sad and pathetic struggle against a perfectly legitimate set of rules set up to protect children.


Pretty much. I used an OCR to rip the text. There may be a few formatting and typo things due to character recognition, but here it is…

****** Result for Image/Page 1 ******

Athletes For Equity In Sport, Inc.
10130 Northlake Blvd. ste 217-171
West Palm Beach, FL 33412

December 13, 2019

Athletes for Equity in Sport sports) IS working hard to
move the past "for or against?’ SafeSport into a
conversation that finds procedures and solutions within the
SafeSport process, protecting all 18 million athletes and
participants while implementing equitable (i.e… fair and
impartial), consistent, and respected procedures

The plan to implement consistent and equitable procedures in
SafeSport for all participants in all sports includes:

  1. Prioritizing the most recent reports for investigation.
    Participants making a SafeSport report should not be waiting 8
    months or longer; the process should be 90 days from report to
    decision, like Title VII cases.
  2. Following International Olympic Committee SafeSport
    Bylaws requiring a hearing before sanctions.
  3. Allowing a full exchange Of all information gathered from
  4. Using American Arbitration Association (AAA) rules. (To
    our knowledge. JAMS, the SafeSport arbitration company,
    only uses about 15 arbitrators for SafeSport, so they see the
    same SafeSport lawyer in every case; JAMS has an exclusive
    contract with SafeSport.)
  5. Placing a statement on the Center for SafeSport website to
    Clarify that “temporary measures do not mean guilty” as Stated
    during a recent livestream (12/11/19), This is important for
    honoring the SafeSport position of immediate action to protect
    the public from the alleged accused while also, via a fair and
    impartial procedure, maintaining all participants’ rights in an
    investigation or case.
  6. Providing accurate and public statistics. We know of 50
    SafeSport cases that have gone to arbitration, yet no mention
    was made in the 12/11/19 livestream of SafeSport statistics on
    rulings that received diminished measures. The statistics
    shared on 12/11/19 suggested that of 16 (2%) of the rulings in
    the 18-month SafeSport process that went to arbitration, 1%
    were overturned, but did not address the significant number Of
    rulings that are being adjusted.

Athletes for Equity in Sport stands for the following in support
and improvement of SafeSport:
Ӣ Protection of all participants in all sports
Ӣ Consistent and equitable SafeSport procedures

Executive Committee
Athletes for Equity in Sport,


Well, that was a lot of nonsense and #3 is asinine, coming from people who are mostly worried about protecting the accused.


Yep. Also, I’m sure there are 4600 Title VII reports to deal with, right?

They’re back to wanting to know all the nitty gritty details of each report. Like the public should have access to that.