People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

From the SafeSport arbitration documentation:

Generally, what happens at an Arbitration?

Typically, a Merits Arbitration looks a lot like a mini-trial. Each side will make an opening statement, present witnesses and evidence, and make closing statements. The Center has the burden to prove the misconduct more likely than not occurred, and that it imposed the appropriate sanction.

Who has to testify at a Merits Arbitration?

To ensure the arbitrator makes a fully informed decision, the Center seeks to provide the arbitrator with all relevant evidence, including testimonial and documentary evidence. To ensure the best presentation of the matter, this typically will include the testimony of the Claimant(s) and any relevant witnesses. The Center recognizes that it may be difficult for some Claimants to participate fully in an arbitration hearing and offers alternative methods of providing testimony, including participating in the arbitration through video conference rather than in person, and responding to questions from the arbitrator rather than from Respondent or Respondent’s counsel. A Claimant can discuss these and other options for participation with the Center’s counsel prior to an Arbitration. In some cases, if a Claimant chooses
not to participate in the Merits Arbitration (as is their right), the Center may determine that it cannot move forward without such testimony. In such cases, the Center may seek to withdraw its Decision until such time as a Claimant decides to participate.


thanks Lex you expertise is very welcome in helping us understand these processes

Is “Twisted,” narrated & authored by numerous people? Or one author who is also narrator, providing clips of stories and testimonies? Just wondering so I can decide if I’d rather read it- or listen. TIA if you remember off hand.

Umm. It has a central narrator, who then interviews key victims, as well as sound from Nassar’s sentencing. I guess it is more an audio production?

Edit: two narrators, apparently. I guess I didn’t pick up on it.


There is a sample to listen to.

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Ahh! Makes sense. Thanks for the info! :slight_smile: Audible it is, then!

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It is definitely worth buying a one-month subscription to get it.

Here is an article by one of the co-authors.

Please, anyone listening to it: there is a massive trigger warning for suicide. I’ve seen some sh!t - working with suicidal and self-harming individuals as a professional, and now as a first-responder - and I was absolutely rattled. It is not an easy listen.


Thank you!!! THIRTY YEARS!! So much info in that 1 clip! Downloaded and in my library! I hope a good house cleaning is done in all sports stat- before anyone else has to say the words, “it took 30 years,” or “well, this who the system was designed to protect!” (When the victims are referring to predators in sport!) Great find… and free too! Thanks again!


I also recommend the podcast called “Believed” about how Nassar got away with his crap for far too long. Found on most podcast sites. It looks like they added 2 more recent episodes that seem unrelated to Nassar. The ones in relation to him are: Introducing Believed, The Good Guy, How He Got Away, The Basement, Gaslighting, How He got Caught, The Parents, “What Have You Done?,” Finale:The Reckoning, and Epilogue: No Pretty Bows.


Oooh! Thanks @Jenerationx! Now I’ll have a good list for podcasts too! In a way, I’m disappointed (but cautiously hopeful for the future) there aren’t (that I know of) podcast episodes and books written specifically for the predatory behavior of the “bad, bad guys,” in equestrian sports too. I guess it doesn’t help that (wrt dressage) when the non horsey person is asked “do you know what dressage is,” -the most common answer (IME) is, “oh, that thing with horses that comes on tv sometimes , but it’s so boring I change the channel! Is that dressage?” I bet they wouldn’t find it so boring if a reporter somewhere really & carefully covered the predatory tactics which happen all too often, by trainers and well funded board members of the federation here in horse sport land.

Tbh- I don’t think the “private donors LLC,” among others, would ever let a book or podcast like that (a tell-all so to speak) ever see the light of day. Oh well. Baby steps. Hopefully, the more attention gymnastics receives will lead to more widespread investigations by journalists into equestrian sports, the billionaire donors (and even the PARENTS, who are happy to look the other way, so long as their kid has a really BNT) who do their level best to cover up bad things.

Thanks for the episodes list! I’ll definitely listen!


Regarding the Navarro situation, LTD horse shows just posted on FB that they are holding their entire winter show H/J series (5 shows) at Wulf Crest. Of course there is no mention that on that site someone banned for life from SS (for criminal disposition with a minor) is not only associated with that farm, but also lives on site. LTD is offering in addition to their shows, schooling and overnight stabling. Does anyone know anyone at LTD? Do you think they are aware of TN? Shouldnt they disclose this information to athletes that come on site to attend their shows?

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What stance, if any , has VHSA taken on the issue of Safe Sport?

If TN lives on property and is associated with business and shows. would a USEF judge or Steward be obligated to report.

If this is not USEF sanctioned shows where do these lines cross if at all. Are USEF carded judges obligated to refuse to work here?

So many vague blurry limits

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VHSA is a USEF affiliate and abides by SafeSport. Unless I missed something, that show is not affiliated with anyone or anything beyond TN & Friends - the woman who is behind it is in bed with him at WulfCrest/Riverchase - and it’s geared towards the type of low-end riders that would be at the lesson mills that they are involved with. It’s basically them doing their own thing, since they are barred from regular competitions. The kids and adults likely aren’t USEF members or could be verified as such easily, so there’s not really anything to be done.


On their website, LTD shows have specifications for divisions as “VHSA Pleasure Horse”, “VHSA Short Stirrup”, etc. So it seems they are a VHSA associate show. Or were.


@2bayboys, I saw that too and that made me wonder. Since it was on the division spec sheet I assumed they offered VHSA classes

I was finally able to see the class list clearly and they do not mention VHSA classes, so I assume the Spec page is old and never revised.

my mistake

Maybe someone can call and ask if they are associated with the VHSA shows?

They were affiliated in the past years, according to archived VHSA schedules that are still up.

LTD… lady’s name is Carol Lynn. She is on Facebook. She is also an announcer for HITS!!!


I just checked out the LTD shows page on FB and someone asks the organizer if she plans to get the shows sanctioned as VHSA associate competitions. She says she can work on that, which is a non answer. It’s quite easy to become a VHSA associate show, you just submit your dates, your prize list with division specs to make they match the VHSA associate rules, the names of your judges, pay a nominal fee and voila.

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If the LTD manager (Carol Lynn) is directly employed by HITS is she required to follow SafeSport protocol? Wouldn’t being employed by a USEF rated show and doing business directly with an individual who is banned by SafeSport be a big No No? Obviously I don’t agree with anyone doing business with him but not sure what the fine print allows in this case.

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