People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Somewhere there is a boundary where the reach ends. Federation vs non-federation shows.

Could go on and on but would certainly wonder if the USEF has addressed this directly. Do we have any judges here ( stewards TDs) who can say if the federation has addressed this in communication or seminars

I think worth noting that Athletes Equity Resource Center (AERC), which is connected with Athletes for Equity in Sport (AES), has signage up in the ring at the National Horse Show this week. Seeing at that AES works to undermine SafeSport, I wonder how this squares with a USEF-sanctioned event’s obligations to SafeSport.


Interesting point. I wonder if management simply took the donation / fee and didnt actually check to see what the group was.

The name , in general, says “riding access for all” IMO, rather than anything SS

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Diane Carney “president and founder” of AES is an R judge and was a commentator on the live stream of the USEF Medal finals, so I doubt USEF would have any issues with signage from either organization.

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I really wish that these rapist-apologists had not used the acronym AERC. That’s endurance.


The parent apathy is really hard to understand. Im in Oregon and JC was of course just suspended. I don’t know any parents who have moved their kids (I know two adults who have left). I get that there hasn’t been a final finding, so I can maybe forgive some hesitancy. But what really is hard to understand is the barn (and its clients) has started to brand themselves as a family to show unity… What message does this send to young girls?? I want to ask these parents what they are thinking.


You should ask them. Does anyone ride with these parents that could ask?

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I would but my daughter (we ride at another barn), is friends with a girl who rides there. I don’t want to put a parent-disagreement on my daughter. It’s just a super uncomfortable situation.

I did talk to someone who left, but not to someone who has stayed. there is an adult I might be able to ask.

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It is best to leave the matter alone until a final verdict is handed down. Then, you can see how they feel about staying or going and get a more honest answer. The investigation is still on-going and then it will likely go to Arbitration, unless criminal charges are filed, as they were with Rich Fellers.


LTD is having shows at Wulfcrest Farm. Tom Navaro does not live at the farm. To my knowledge he lives and works at Riverchase in Aldie. Sarah (trainer) formerly with Stoneridge is the trainer and resident at the farm. As for VHSA, non answer, They don’t recognize shows in November. This would negate one show of the series. Therefore, We are considering it, but not certain how our sponsors want us to proceed. Thus, we are considering it. :wink:

Furthermore, if there was truly a concern for people, why would you not reach out to the person or persons at LTD rather than a back handed banter online? This type of speculation, is just that. Let’s make a difference, IN A REAL WAY!! Via communication and sans gossip.


LTD is at Wulfcrest. TN dose not reside there. He resides at Riverchase farm. It would be best to quit all speculation and seek truth and facts.

LTD is at Wulfcrest. TN doesn’t love on the property there but is living/working at Riverchase farm, Aldie. If you are really concerned about people why wouldn’t you contact LTD directly?

You are in error CM. TN does not reside at Wulfcrest formerly AAES. He resides/works at Riverchase farm in Aldie. Why haven’t you reached out to those at LTD? Are you truely concerned for people??

Once would have been ample…we’ve gotten your message.


So Sarah is living at Wulf Crest, and is running that facility? She no longer works for Tom Navarro?


Thanks for the answer but I was not asking about Navarro. My comment merely related to the question of VHSA Associate sanctioning for the shows.
November I realize can’t be sanctioned, but the fb post talks about a series? Which has dates beyond November I presume. I look forward to hearing if they’ll be VHSA or not.

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It sounds like you are familiar with the situation. Can you confirm what Wulfcrest’s relationship is with TN?

Are you, Threeshoesfarm, associated with LTD perhaps and want to clear any association with TN? That will be hard to do knowing Sarah and the rest of the Wulf crest crew are all associated with River Chase and TN. Though River Case has removed any mention of any trainer from their website (that alone should raise an eyebrow), their public lesson calendar provides all the info you need to confirm that it’s the same people running both facilities.

I agree though, the connections at Wulf Crest are hard to decipher. If you can clear anything up, specifically WC’s association with TN, that would be great. I suggest LTD get it in writing from WC that no one banned from SS is residing on property - I’ll wager a guess WC will be hesitant to do so.


But since you brought it up, I decided to go take a look at the businesses a little closer. Sarah, formerly at Stoneridge, also worked at Riverchase yes? For Tom? So it would seem by looking at the Riverchase fb page. And Luis, also from Riverchase, is now listed as part of the team at Wulfcrest. There sure appears to be a lot of interconnection between the two businesses, despite the efforts to create the appearance of distance.

I would never have bothered browsing around on the business pages had you not repeatedly declared that Navarro is NOT associated with Wulfcrest and LTD shows.