People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Methinks she doth protest too much….


Or is threeshoesfarm actually Carol from LTD???

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you could be on to something @Ilovemyhorses

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Also if Luis has nothing to do with River Chase and Wulfcrest is soley his (which just about everyone sees thru that lie!)… maybe he should get a new bio picture and update the Wulfcrest website as it shows River Chase on his jacket. Just a thought!

Also about LTD and VHSA…use to be VHSA approved a few years ago but the last few series haven’t been VHSA approved.

Now on Facebook someone else is promoting ads for Wulfcrest for boarding.


@ChestnutMare1 had a feeling it was her. But just Googled it… and yep!! Also Facebook page for threeshoesfarm has the same phone number as the LTD website.


@Threeshoesfarm Out of all the gorgeous properties in northern Virginia to host a show, why would LTD associate with Navarro and crew, knowing the River Chase reputation and his SS ban?


If Tom has nothing to do with Wulfcrest… why does he promote it so much on his personal Facebook page?


Threeshoesfarm got me thinking… so “if” Sarah lives at Wulfcrest and supposedly Tom lives at River Chase and Luis lives at River Chase in the older cottage house next to the original ring… that must mean Tom lives in the double wide trailer behind the indoor area. So he lives in the double wide trailer that the county has no occupancy permit for ? (Because the farm is zoned for 1 dwelling.


@Ilovemyhorses you question sounds like one of those math problems involving trains leaving and different times from different stations.


Haha! I guess you are right though! Sorry @hoopoe

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I gotta say… I still find it REALLY odd they are trying to run both places simultaneously.

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CM, (Jane?)
The former owner of AAES and I had spoken about a winter series. She decided to sell her property and referred me to new owner-not TN. We agreed upon a series there. Sarah lives there. I have never seen TN on the property training or living there. Would you suggest another property perhaps?

@Threeshoesfarm, I’m not going to call out any property suggesting LTD host shows there - my point is, you have options in this area. It’s LTD’s choice who they want to associate with. In this case LTD is choosing to host a show at a TN (who is banned for life from SS) associated facility (whatever that association may be) and choosing to market their show to child (and adult) competitors. This choice has the appearance that LTD is either unaware of TN’s SS/USEF status and history (which is frankly hard to believe), or doesn’t care (and in it for the $$$ as @Virginia_Horse_Mom pointed out). This thread has been focused on those who choose to aid those with SS bans (and how to increase awareness in those communities and protect children from known predators). Based on LTD’s choices, the community has a right to examine with whom LTD chooses to associate, and come to its own conclusions about how LTD respects the decisions of SS and USEF. I do appreciate your commentary here - it’s been interesting to correspond to an organization choosing to associate with the WC connections.


The owners of the WulfCrest Farm property are the same ones that owned AAES. It did not change hands. The property was put up for sale, they were approached with an income generating offer, and the property was taken off the market and turned into WulfCrest.


I agree with @ChestnutMare1
The title of this thread is People Attempting to Undermine Safesport. If LTD shows are knowingly hosting shows at a facility that is associated with a person who has a lifetime SS ban, for child sodomy, then LTD shows are definitely undermining the purpose of Safesport, which is to protect minors from predators.


Very well said @ChestnutMare1

I also would like to take a minute to remind everyone of a different facility here in NoVa, and how they made different choices during summer of 2021.

Beverly Equestrian.

Beverly was hosting a schooling show series, and TN and Sarah Willson decided to bring several River Chase students to attend the show. TN then took photos of himself and his students at Beverly, and commented on FB and Instagram about what a good time he and River Chase students were having attending this schooling series.

Many local people noticed this and thought to themselves, “WTF! I thought that dirtbag was banned by SafeSport.”

Some of us then proceeded to discuss the situation on this thread. The fact is that technically speaking, schooling shows aren’t obligated to check everyone’s USEF membership status. Also, the fact is that Beverly is a busy facility, with a lot going on. TN’s presence at their shows, and his SafeSport ban status simply escaped their notice. But here’s the thing… when people reached out to them and informed him that he was posting on social media, and CLEARLY trying to create the impression that he was affiliated with them and welcomed at their schooling shows… Beverly took action. They made a public statement on social media about how they respect and support SafeSport, and abide by the related rules. And TN is no longer a presence at their schooling shows.

Personally, I think that was an example of sound leadership on Beverly’s part, and a case study in how to handle these sort of situations in the real world. Because the real world is messy… and there is a lot of grey area when it comes to schooling shows and the whole aiding & abetting aspect of SafeSport rules.

LTD has clearly made their case as to why they think there is nothing wrong with their partnership with Wulf Crest and the winter series happening there. And technically speaking… they can probably play the 6 degrees of separation/Kevin Bacon game, and likely not be violating any USEF rules. But the difference between how they are responding to questions about their relationship with Wulf Crest (and by extension TN), and how Beverly responded to questions last summer?

Night and Day.


I’d like to take a moment now to look at all this from the 10,00 foot level, and not focus so narrowly on this one situation in Northern Virginia.

The title of this thread is about people attempting to undermine SafeSport. I did start the thread - and I was DELIBERATE when it came to the title of the thread. The fact is, technical violations of SafeSport rules are the easy aspects of it all to deal with. But where the rubber meets the road, so to speak, is whether or not people actually believe in the core mission of SafeSport, and whether or not they are willing to disavow and disassociate with IDENTIFIED predators.

There is a core group of people in the sport who are pretty noisy about the fact that:

  1. they think sex between minors and coaches is not a big deal (everyone did it in the 70’s is the prevailing justification, although many other justifications have been used as well in the wake of high profile bans… most of which amount to declaring that the victim was asking for it… it’s all remarkable and sad and nauseating)

  2. they resent being told they need to stop training with/partnering with/doing business with people who have engaged in sexually predatory behavior.

One of the main reasons I started the thread was to shine a public light on this sort of chatter. Because I hoped that if people actually paused and considered the bigger issues… attitudes might change. Sexual abuse in youth sports is a very real issue. Anyone involved in sports should care about it, and be on the side of reform and change. It’s truly that simple.


A friend forwarded me an email sent by Tom from his River Chase account in October, regarding recruitment for the LTD show. It says in part:

"This show and it’s [sic] host Carol are very good friends of our farm and we would like to bring them a strong supportive showing."


@Threeshoesfarm Carol, care to explain?

thanks @AllTheCarrots

Update: Looks like the LTD website has been updated this morning canceling their 11/20 and 11/21 shows and indicating they are looking for a new venue for their winter show series.

@Threeshoesfarm I want to be the first on here to recognize this status update and thank you for making this choice.


This is important. If you can take in new information and recognize that a change is needed, that’s a positive thing.