People Attempting to Undermine Safe Sport

Oh interesting. So before he came to Virginia?

My interaction did happen in Virginia, during a show series that he most definitely traveled to. Not sure where he was hanging his shingle at that time.

Interesting. I seem to recollect his conviction was back in 2000, in New York. His SafeSport ban was in 2017 or 2018 though.

Glad you are ok, and the interaction didn’t turn into something that required police intervention.

This was two years prior to that conviction. I had never heard of him before he introduced himself and I have not laid eyes on him in person since. I never forgot though, how he acted and the anger he produced out of no where, after essentially stalking me for a day. I do remember casually scrolling the safe sport suspension list and seeing his name and feeling very sick to my stomach. The pit still exists……


That sounds horrible. It must have been awful to have stayed with you for two decades.

They have a reputation for utilizing the lesson horses at River Chase to the maximum extent possible …


I know now my gut was right!


@Ergots Sending hugs and support


I lessoned with River Chase and participated in the IEA team, and I can confirm, there were a number of school horses and ponies that were overused, exhausted and sometimes outright sore or even lame.


This is not unique to Safe Sport. A large percentage of SA cases get dropped because the victim backs out or otherwise stops communicating. After the initial reporting, many can’t process going forward and essentially marinating in that mess for one more moment, with strangers investigating a deeply troubling situation. I was molested 40 years ago and while my assault was relatively mild, clothes on, etc, telling anyone exactly what happened it by bit would possibly still put me in a fetal position on the floor under the desk and I’m not exaggerating. Not one bit.


Whew I hadn’t checked in on this thread in a while and lordy, this went off the rails for a bit. I’m an attorney, and no, not a partner because I’ve been turning down the invitations to partnership in that I want to have time to ride my horse and not spend it on firm bureaucracy. I’ve also worked for a Swiss firm, where the confidentiality rules for lawyers are the most strict in the world (mirroring Swiss banking laws). @La-LaPopRider I suggest that you do consult with your BigLaw lawyer friends or your personal lawyer regarding the ethics rules (including rule of confidentiality) and privilege rules, since you post a lot on these public boards about a legal matter with which you have personal involvement.


Why are you talking to me?
1.) the attorneys to which I’m referring have nothing to do with the “legal matter,” (that’s putting it lightly) in which I’m “involved.” (Putting it even more lightly.)

2.) the “legal matter,” to which YOU are referring- is a criminal trial- in which I am not the defendant, rather a victim of an attack by gun fire, being blasted twice in the chest, while unarmed and minding my own biz.

3.) Neither of the first 2 have a thing to do with this topic/OP or WHY I have retained the firm I described. I’m therefore confused as to your poorly hypothesized & wildly unclear “point.”

No need to respond. Quite certain I have made my point, and that is all that matters to me …. But thanks for your weeks later response to a dead issue. :roll_eyes:


I am assuming you will be a witness, since you are a victim.

ETA - it is relevant to this topic because it could be detrimental for someone to read the false information you are so insistent on spreading regarding legal concepts that are important to the cases discussed in this thread.

But you don’t have to take my word for it. I do suggest you consult with lawyers you trust, especially before you continue on posting details about the criminal case or publicly posting rants that might possibly lead one to question your credibility as a witness.


If you scroll up a ways you can see the 3 page record. Let’s just say 2011-2013 was a bad stretch of years! But there are recent charges, too (2020 DWI, for example).


Ok. Wasn’t planning on it.

You can take MY word on this; I doubt you’ll have many admirers if you continue bringing up a criminal case having nothing to do with this topic, and this thread gets closed. There has been informative dialogue here. Posters want to discuss THIS topic here. SafeSport. It would be a shame if your strange need to dispense unwanted, unneeded & often incorrect “legal advice,” to boost your ego, ends up losing everyone else’s space to discuss the OP topic. If there is news on the criminal case to which you refer, I’m positive a certain poster will (like clockwork) open a yet another thread on that topic. But, it will not be here. Find out how “credible,” that statement will be. Alrighty then!


You might want to reflect on that idea.yourself.


In other news, LTD shows is now openly advertising the January show at Wulf Crest stables on social media. However… they have also updated their website to announce that they are “SafeSport Educated and Compliant!”


I know there is lots of talk about this here, but wondering has anyone who is a member reported this to SS and IEA?


So, is it correct that the organiser came on here and publicly announced she was changing venues while also chastising people for discussing this here, then turned around and decided to hold the shows there anyway?

Or, never even contemplated moving the venue and just came her to present a falsehood and try to shut down conversation?


Who knows( shrug). Perhaps they think they will get around things by having the people in question not present during the show. Doesn’t work that way , though