Performance Float in VA

Performance Float in VA by Meredith Barlow, EqDT owner of Equidentistry. Located in Mechanicsville, VA will travel. Please visit her webpage for more info and where she can travel to. Sedation (if needed) will need to be provided by their veterinarian. Meredith Barlow, EqDT

$25.00 (Purcellville ok?)

Purcellville’s fine! (in fact I will be up there next wednesday)

Cool Beans!

$35.00 (In Fredericksburg)



Oh well. Too rich for my blood. (giggle)

1 year to use!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I will give you 1 year to use this, so if your horse isn’t due now, you can save this for later. So come on lets get the bidding going! Also, I will now be offering a 10% discount to everyone who enters a bid! (yes, including those who have already bid!)


$55 :slight_smile:

2hsmommy, where are you in VA? Just making sure you are with in range :slight_smile:


Horse is in Aldie, right outside of Middleburg :slight_smile: If I’m within your range, I’ll bid…
$65 :slight_smile:

Aldie is great! In fact I will be there next Wednesday- Friday if you win we could do it then, if your horse is due, if not we can schedule it next time I go up there, should be several times this spring!

I’ll up you to $65:)

Ooooh a fight! lol, keep it up!

$70 :slight_smile:

Come on people, what happened to the fight? I was enjoying it. LOL, I felt like I was getting flung all over the state.

I’m holdin out until it gets close to the end so I know I’ll win:cool: