Petition to Secretary of Health and Human Services protesting costs of cancer drugs

Please sign.


Well I think they ought to reduce the cost of ALL prescription meds, and go to a single-payer, tax-based health care plan in this country so that EVERYONE, people with cancer and people with other medical conditions, can have access to health care and meds we ALL can afford.

If St Jude’s can do it, so can all other hospitals.

Doing the right thing is always possible. I think that if the pharmaceutical companies and hospitals would give this a try, they – and we – would be pleasantly surprised at how well it would work to everyone’s benefit.

This may be a good first step.

I wholeheartedly agree RPM>

If all hospitals are like St Jude’s we would be in trouble. St Jude’s relies on funding through fundraisers and donations in order to offer free service. If every single hospital in the country did that people would run out of money, hospitals would close due to lack of funding, and services would be limited. St Jude’s can do that since they have a limited amount of hospitals and treat certain things. It’s the same way with Shriner’s hospitals. Free is not free, the money has to come from somewhere.