Physical Therapist Chicago North Shore

I severed my ACL last week and am hoping that PT with a therapist who understands riding will keep me out of surgery and get me back on a horse. Does anyone have a recommendation for a PT on Chicago’s North Shore? I live in Lake Bluff. Thanks for your help.

I severed my ACL last week and am hoping that PT with a therapist who understands riding will keep me out of surgery and get me back on a horse. Does anyone have a recommendation for a PT on Chicago’s North Shore? I live in Lake Bluff. Thanks for your help.[/QUOTE]

I had a ACL injury when I was in gymnastics…still comes back sometimes, but it’s rare. A local PT said that I needed surgery because there was nothing he can do for it. One thing that I did differently was that I tried acupuncture. It actually worked and I have less pain, its usually not covered by most insurances, but its something worth trying

It’s a complete tear? Is your knee stable? I had a complete tear 9 years ago, did 1 month of PT before surgery and 7 months after. My knee wasn’t stable and would collapse…at the worst moments of course. I taught gymnastics, so having a knee go out wasn’t really going to work for me.

Find yourself a good sports medicine ortho, see what she/he says, and get their recommendation for a good PT person.

I’m in Illinois (west of Chicago) and I believe state regulations are that you have to get a physician’s referral for PT. I don’t think you can see a PT on your own. There are tons of good orthos in that area–check Northwestern’s website.