jolise - good luck! Agree with Laurierace - nice upgrade, for sure!
Update on my mare: She checked IN FOAL today to Declaration of War! Very excited - a maiden, in foal on one cover. I’m over the moon, to say the least.
Whoo-nice… keep us posted. Nice choice of stallion
Congrats nelson. Very exciting. I am now waiting to see if my mare took. Fingers crossed.
Any update Jolise? Hoping to hear you have positive news!
Thanks for asking nelson. She checked in foal today! Is all still going well with your mare?
That’s great news!!
Yes, she had her 30 day check yesterday and all was well. Very exciting. [ATTACH=JSON]{“data-align”:“none”,“data-size”:“medium”,“data-attachmentid”:10071099}[/ATTACH]