My mini was just diagnosed with cushing’s. He is also insulin resistant (it may be a result of the cushing’s). He lives a very low sugar, low starch life as it is and doesn’t actually need to lose weight. But, metabolically he’s a mess.
He also has heaves and takes Zyrtec daily.
As we’re adding in prascend, what is the best safe pill carrier for a metabolic mini? While he is fed 2x daily, I only feed him in his stall once. The other meal is outside and he tends to share with my thoroughbred (it’s soaked cubes/fibre beet with mad barn Omneity and salt mixed in). In the morning, he gets a similar meal with his Zyrtec, plus magnesium, and a fly supplement.
I need a carrier for his evening Zyrtec (vet has prescribed him 10 2x/day) and maybe his prascend (I could add to his feed but I’d like to make sure he eats it). He will eat pretty much anything (including dewormer). But, with his issues, I want find the safest solution. He also uses an inhaler so I’d prefer not to force anything down his throat and make the inhaler process more difficult (he’s very good for that right now).
I can also make something this weekend if you have suggestions for homemade pill pockets.