Day 309 today. My mare started to get a bag last week, but last night she has a full hard bag and has dripped milk on her legs. She is not streaming milk, I suspect a squirt of milk is coming out when she stomps/kicks her legs at the flies. Enough to see that she has dried milk down the front of both hind legs. Vulva, tail-head look normal, great appetite, does not appear to have “waxed”, otherwise seems fine. I can feel the foal moving but has not really changed her shape since last week. No vaginal discharge, udder is full and hard - she’s a heavy milker and has a rather big udder.
Last year she had an easy pregnancy and foaled without complications at 343. How much would you worry? Treat? I have called the vet, she started her on Regumate and TMS.
I have a lot of questions!
Would you expect a mare to “bag-up” this early? If she is leaking some milk/colostrum should I milk her now and save some colostrum? If she leaks a bit now, how much will it impact her at foaling? Is there any chance her udder can reduce in size at this point, or is it a lost cause?
How at-risk do you think she is at foaling now? Early? Is it possible to calm things down in there and let that baby cook? With placentitis, if treatment is working should I expect her udder to reduce?
Your thoughts?